Intro To Pentecostal Doctrine Vocab Flashcards
A false Christ revealed in the Tribulation; claims to be God and demands worship.
A legal term identifying a person who pleads the case for another person.
Apocalyptic literature
Writings that predict or reveal future events related to the end of the world.
A deliberate denial or abandonment of an individual’s faith
Apostolic ministry
A leadership ministry recognized by an entire movement; demonstrates supernatural gifts, brings Christ to unreached peoples, models responsibility and accountability, and teaches sound doctrine; title of ‘Apostle’ never to be self-assigned.
site of the final battle when Christ completely defeats Satan and Antichrist at the end of the Tribulation
People who believe the theological position of Jacobus Arminius who opposed the absolute predestination taught by John Calvin and maintained that salvation was offered to all. This is the position of the Assemblies of God
Atheistic evolution
A theory that denies the existence of God and assumes that plants, animals, and humans have developed out of earlier forms through changes in succeeding time periods.
People who believe the theological teaching attributed to John Calvin. They emphasize the sovereignty of God, the depravity of humankind, and predestination
Of basic importance, foundational.
Belief the supernatural gifts of the Spirit, including healing, ended with the first century.
Greek word for spiritual manifestations or gifts of the Spirit
A special dynamic activity of the Holy Spirit; applied to persons who have experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit but choose not to be called Pentecostals, who have more church structure
One who gives advice or counsel
Daniel’s Seventienth Week
The final “week” of seven years coming at the end I the Church Age (rapture of the saints); identifies the Great Tribulation for premillenialists
Day of The Lord
Period of time, from the rapture through the Tribulation and Millenium and into new heavens and earth.
Divisible into two parts; as applied to humans–body and soul
Something taught or held to be true, a statement of faith
To build up, uplift, enlighten, or improve.
Study of the future destiny of mankind and the world; end-time events
Eternal security
The belief that salvation cannot be forfeited, regardless of a person’s decisions, actions, or lifestyle; also called once-saved-always-saved doctrine
Protestants emphasizing
1) the authority of Scripture
2) salvation by faith in Jesus Christ
3) the importance of personal relationship with God rather than formal ritual
Free will
Freedom of Hans to make choices that are not determined by divine intervention
Fruit of the Spirit
Virtues that in their fullest expression can only be produced by the Holy Spirit
Full Gospel
All the Gospel; usually identifies those who believe and teach some or all of the following: salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, divine healing, and the second coming of Christ
A view of life that values the future over the past or the present
Term for God existing as three persons
Human free will
The freedom to accept or reject God’s offer of salvation.
Christ becoming a human without giving up His deity
Free from error
Influenced, moved, or guided by divine inspiration
One who intercedes for another; a mediator
Declaration that a person is just or righteous; a legal term for releasing one from the guilt of sin
Kingdom Now
A false teaching that the world can and is now being made into Christ’s kingdom, as preparation for Christ’s return to rule and reign on the earth
Latter Rain Movement
Name applied to a mid-twentieth century Pentecostal Movement that broke away from established Pentecostal churches; advocated an independent and autonomous local church structure; forerunner I today’s Charismatic Movement
Required adherence to religious law or moral code.
Mark of the beast
Name, or number of the name, of Antichrist.
Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Celebration in heaven uniting Christ and His Church; at the same time, the Tribulation is taking place on earth.
Future reign of Christ on earth after the Battle of Armageddon; literally means 1,000 years
A gals teaching that there will not be a future thousand-year reign if Christ on earth
literal understanding of Scripture that Jesus will personally return to earth, with previously raptures saints, to establish His kingdom on earth for 1,000 years.
False teaching that the Millenium is an extension of the Church Age; believes that Christ rules during the 1,000 years, but is not physically present.
Everywhere present
A divinely established religious custom or practice regarded as an essential spiritual duty.