Intro To Pentecostal Doctrine Tests Flashcards
Ch. 1 Which of the following is one of the cardinal doctrines of the Assemblies of God?
A) The Deity Of Jesus
B) The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
C) Sanctification
B) The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Ch 1. The apostle Paul expressed the importance of sound doctrine by…
B) using the words sound doctrine four times in his pastoral letters to Timothy and Titus
Ch. 1 The official document of the Assemblies of God that is our basis for unity is called the…
C) Statement of Fundamental Truths
Ch. 1 The word theology means literally…
A) “the study of God.”
Ch. 1 the study of Bible doctrine serves four purposes. Doctrine is a guard against error, a series of road signs on our discipleship journey,…
C) a guide for conduct, and a basis for service to God and others
Ch. 1 Two secular belief systems that do not accept any religious faith or doctrine are…
B) Natural law and human philosophy
Ch. 1 According to the Bible, natural law…
B) Is a part of God’s law and is not separate from it.
Ch. 1 Human philosophy opposes God by…
A) Elevating human reason above the rules given by a God.
Ch. 1 To accept that there is error in the salvation message of the bible…
C) Casts doubt on the existence and character of God
Ch. 1 Belief that the Bible is inspired and inerrant is important because…
A) God is trustworthy; human reason is fallen and unreliable
Ch. 3 God’s plan to restore fellowship with wayward sinners was…?
To pay the penalty himself for the sins of the world.
Ch. 3 Apostasy is defined as…?
Turning ones back on God after knowing the reality of His personal presence
Ch. 3 Christ’s suffering for our salvation (led like a lamb to slaughter) was predicted by…?
Ch. 3 Jesus had to die as a sacrifice for our sins because…?
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness
Ch. 3 Jesus was like no other person who has walked on earth in that he…
A) Gathered many followers during His three and a half years of ministry
B) Was human at birth but became divine when He was baptized in water
C) Was both fully human and fully divine
C) Was both fully human and fully divine
Ch. 3 Jesus was more than a sacrifice for our sins; the Bible also portrays Him as…?
A great teacher showing us how to live
Ch. 3 the bedrock or most important truth of our Christian faith is…?
Ch. 3 Christ’s resurrection is essential to our faith because…?
A) Easter is more important than Good Friday
B) W/O the resurrection, Christians could have no miracles
C) W/O the resurrection the miracle of salvation would lack it’s power
W/O the resurrection the miracle of salvation would lack it’s power
Ch. 3 Salvation as “regeneration” means being…?
A) Adopted
B) Born again
C) Justified
Born again
Ch. 3 Sanctification is both instantaneous (or immediate) and also…?
A) progressive
B) impossible to achieve
C) regressive
Ch.2 When we say God is omnipotent, we are saying He is
Ch.2 Because God is spirit rather than human, evidence of His existence comes through
Ch.2 When we say humans are created with a free will, we mean
We have a choice in our destiny
Ch.2 In addition to the magnificent creation around us, God has clearly revealed himself through
The historical events and recorded teachings of the Bible.
Ch.2 Salvation requires that a person believe
Jesus is the divine Son of God.
Ch.2 Atheistic evolution teaches that
God does not actually exist.
Ch.2 Our understanding if the origin of sin is based on the fact that
Adam and Eve were real people who committed the first human sin.
Ch.2 God turned the rebellion of Satan to His purpose by using it to
Prove the love and obedience of God’s children.
Ch.2 Sin can be defined as
Wrong attitudes and wrong actions.
Ch.2 Satan’s temptation of Adam and Eve
Spoke true facts but did not tell all of god’s truth.
Ch. 4 water baptism by immersion in a testimony that one has
Received Jesus Christ as personal Savior.
Ch. 4 Holy Communion should be observed regularly until
Jesus comes to rapture His followers.
Ch. 4 Christ’s command was to baptize in the name of
The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Ch. 4 The Lord’s Supper replaced the OT Feast of
Ch. 4 the ordinance of water baptism should be observed by
Newly converted Christians as soon after salvation as is feasible.
Ch. 4 About predestination, Calvinists believe that
God in the eternal past determined who would be saved.
Ch. 4 the Bible contains assurance and warning about a person’s salvation because
Some believers need assurance; others need a warning about neglect.
Ch. 4 the “T” in the Calvinistic TULIP acrostic stands for total
Ch. 4 Predestination is a word that means
God has already determined who will be saved and who will not be saved.
Ch. 4 The ABCs if salvation are
Admit sinning and ask forgiveness;
Believe in Christ;
Confess and forsake sin
Ch. 13 Daniel’s seventieth week is identified as the seven years of
The Tribulation
Ch. 13 The creatures that will blow the seven trumpets announcing more judgements are
Seven angels
Ch. 13 there have been many antichrists, but the Antichrist of Revelation will be
The embodiment of evil in the Tribulation
Ch. 13 the satanic trinity consists of
Satan, Antichrist, and a false prophet
Ch. 13 Two events that will take place in heaven during the Tribulation on earth are the
Judgement seat of Christ and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Ch. 13 John describes Jesus as the Rider on a white horse wearing on His robe these words
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Ch. 13 the followers of Christ are not killed in the final battle with Antichrist because
Christ fights the battle by himself
Ch. 13 after his brief release to make his final effort to deceive people, Satan will be
Cast into the lake of fire permanently
Ch. 13 the Holy Spirit or the New Jerusalem comes to earth from
The new heavens
Ch. 13 the greatest need of our world as we await Christ’s return at the Rapture is
Spiritual revival and a renewed emphasis on holy living among believers
Ch. 12 the Assemblies of God, like most Pentecostal groups, is
a) amillenialist
b) premillenialist
c) postmillenialist
b) premillenialist
Ch. 12 the rapture and second coming of Christ are
Two distinct events, one before and one after the Tribulation
Ch. 12 adults most likely anticipate the rapture more than children do because
Adults have faced life’s struggles and would welcome going to be with Jesus
Ch. 12 the “Kingdom Now” belief teaches that
The world is now being made into Christ’s perfect kingdom
Ch. 12 critics who think a rapture is a foolish idea are called
In Matthew 24, the most repeated advice about how we should live in end-time is
Watch and be ready
Ch. 12 as signs of the approaching rapture intensify, we must
Work diligently to e ready for His coming
Ch. 12 according to Peter, Jesus delays His coming because
God is patient and desires more people to come to repentance
Ch. 12 which end-time sign is not discussed in Chapter 12?
Re-emergence of Jewish nation
Ch. 12 the rapture of the church will involve
Living believers and believers who died before the Rapture
Ch. 11 salvation is a healing of the
Ch. 11 inner healing involves
Deliverance from abnormal fears and mental or emotional distress
Ch. 11 the entire Christian community is important to a person’s healing because
When one member suffers, the whole body suffers an helps bear the burden
Ch. 11 Positive confession, in relation to healing, is a false doctrine claiming
What a person says determined what he or she receives; name it and you can claim it
Ch. 11 the biblical pattern for the healing of sick believers is
Calling for church elders to anoint with oil and praying the prayer of faith
Ch. 11 you can best give God opportunity to plant faith for healing by
Study and personal application of God’s Word
Ch. 11 if a believer dies without receiving the derailed healing
The resurrection of the righteous dead (at rapture) will erase all potential for sickness
Ch. 11 healthy believers should relate to the sick and suffering by
Sharing God’s love, not His judgement
Ch. 11 the believer can handle unanswered prayer for healing by
Placing complete trust and confidence in God’s faithfulness
Ch. 11 as a person waits patiently for healing, his or her spiritual duty is to
Pray and enjoy communion with God
Ch.5 Pentecostals who do not believe in the Trinity are called
Jesus Only Churches
Ch.5 The best biblical proof of the Trinity is found in
The account if Jesus’ baptism by John
Ch.5 The work of the Holy Spirit in helping us become more like Jesus is called
Progressive sanctification
Ch.5 John’s use of fire and predicting a baptism “with the Holy Spirit and with fire” means
The cleansing or sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit
Ch.5 legalism as a means of righteous living is defined as
Required obedience to a religious law or a moral code
Ch.5 The best proof that there are three persons in the Godhead is that
All three persons are mentioned by name in the New Testament
Ch.5 The Holy Spirit is at work today wherever
The true Church is found
Ch.5 A genuine mark of spiritual maturity is
Moving from self-centered concerns to ministry and concern for others
Ch.5 Progressive sanctification is the process of
Becoming more like Jesus
Ch.5 Holiness is properly defined as
An obedient heart that seeks to please God in every action