Intro to Pediatrics Flashcards
What is the influence of ordinal postion on only chidlren?
- Have many of the same characteristics as firstborn children
- Are more mature and cultivated
- Experience greater parental pressure for mature behavior and achievement
- Demonstrate superiority in language facility
- Rarely develop into stereotype of spoiled, selfish child
- Often enjoy a rich fantasy life as a result of isolation
What is a communal family?
People who share common ownership of property, certain goods and services are shared. There is strong reliance on group members and material interdependence. Both provide collective security for nonproductive members, share homemaking and childrearing functions, and help overcome the problem of interpersonal isolation
What is ordinal position?
The different treatment of children by parents depending on the order in which they were born
When is informed consent not required?
Emergency treatment
- Often a physician will determine that a patient is in immediate need of medical treatment but is unable to give consent because of a physical or mental impairment. Medical treatment can be instituted under these circumstances once it is determined that:
- • a) a delay in treatment would be life threatening or cause the patient serious harm;
- b) no close family member or surrogate is available to give consent on behalf of the patient; and
- c) the physician has no evidence that would suggest that the patient would oppose the treatment.
- The physician should document in the medical record the emergency circumstances under which the medical treatment without consent was rendered. This emergency exception should be narrowly construed.
What is the most common disease of childhood?
Dental caries the single most common chronic disease of childhood.
What are the traditional types of families?
- Consanguineous (blood relationships)
- Affinal (marital relationships)
- Family of origin (family unit a person is born into)
How long should a child be put on time-out for?
1min per year of age
What immunization is given at birth?
Hepitits B
What is the influence of ordinal postion on middle chidlren?
- Have more demands made on them for household help
- Are-praised less often
- Receive less of the parent’s time
- Leran to compromise and be adaptable
- Are less stimulated toward achievement
- Are more difficult to characterize because of a variety of positions in the family
What can a child do/obtain without parental consent?
Birth control (including abortion), prenatal care, substance abuse help treatment, out patient mental health treatment can be given to adolescents without parental consent.
What is an emancipated minor?
A minor who is financially independent from their parents, and is married who is allowed to make decisions for the care of her babay. (she has to be pregnant)
What is the goal of Atraumatic Care?
- To Eliminate or minimize distress, wether it be Psychologic or Physical
- Prevent or minimize separation from the family
- Promote sense of control
- Prevent or minimize bodily injury and pain
- Foster the parent-child relationship
- Prepare child before any treatment or procedure
- Control pain
- Provide play activities for expression of fear and aggression
What is a binuclear family?
A family in which the parents continue to raise the child together, but they are divorced.
what is a blended family?
A family or household that includes atleast one stepparent, stepsibling, or half sibiling.
What is an extended family?
A family that includes atleast on parent or one or more children, and one or more members related or unrelated other than a parent or sibling. Parent-child and sibling relationships may be biologic, step, adoptive, or foster.