intro to patho Flashcards
develpment of unhealthy conditions or disease…the ceellular events and reactions
what sets the disease “in motion”
Clinical presentation
signs and symptoms that assist in determining diagnosis
must understand how the diasgnoses interact with each other
Acute disease duration
short, rapid onset
subacute duration
between acute and chronic; usually few months
chronic duration
permanent impariment or diability
The number of new cases of a condition in a specific period of time in relation to total number of people that are “at risk”
all cases (new and old) among those at risk for developing the condition
Natural history
how it progresses over time; relates to progonis
Factors that influence health
SES , georgraphy, race/ethnicity, age and aging, gender (social roles)/ sex, lifestyles, physical activity level, nutrition, behavior
Socioeconomic status (SES)
chronic vs. acute illness
access to health carea and health education
health history consistent with multiple providers
living enviroments
urbana vs. suburban
warmer vs. colder envrioment
3rd world countries vs. idustralized
sick role
patient recognizes need for health care professional; sometimes prolonged
social, psychological, physiologic
work stress, personality ype
manage, tolerate, or control stressful evens
PT impact
asses readiness to change and provide feedback
Role of the physical therapist
compliance with therapy program
reactoins to therapist/medical team
empathy vs. sympathy
refere to appropriate health care resources
Prevention servies
primary prevention
preent disases from occuring
reduce risk factors
secondary prevention
disease detected when asymptomatic and cure can be attained
tertiary prevention
interventions to prevent further problems, reduce complications, promote restoration of function
branch of medicine that investiges the essential nature of diseaes, especially changes in body tissues and organs that cause or are caused by disease