Intro to orthopedic Surgery Flashcards
Wolff’s Law
Bone is deposited in sites subjected to stress and is resorbed from sites where there is little stress
Bone Growth/remodeling
Endochondral ossification
articular cartilage
epiphysial plate cartilage
Bone Growth/Remodeling
intramembranous ossification in the deeper layers of the periosteum osteoblasts
simultaneous osteoclastic resorption in endosteum
bones joined by fibrous connective tissue
held together by boney plates (bound by layer of cartilage)
bone replaces ligamentous tissue (fusion of adjacent bones)
hyaline cartilage - no synovial membranes
Hyaline cartilage + capsule of fibrous tissue between
synovial fluid present
Avulsion fracture
Bone pulls off
Closed fracture
Not open to outside environment
Comminuted fracture
many pieces
Displaced fracture
parts no longer in close proximation
Epiphyseal Fracture
through the epiphysis (ONLY IN CHILDREN)
Fatigue Fracture
Caused by constant stress
think of bending clothes hanger back and forth - eventually it breaks
New army recruit = Marching fracture
Greenstick fracture
Bone splinters on one side and stays together on the other
Impacted fracture
Bone shoved into itself
Intraarticular fracture
fractures into the articular surface - must me put back together perfectly to prevent arthritis
Occult fracture
Hidden (found on MRI or Bone Scan )
Communicating with outside
going through weak bone (ex: tumor)