Intro to Neuropath Flashcards
GFAP stains what cells
selective vulnerability
set of neurons with shared properties in response to insult
when do you see red neurons
12-24 hrs after acute insult; earliest indicator
what is the primary indicator of an axonal reaction
- central chromatolysis (nissl at periphery)
- peripheral displacement of nucleus
what is the intracytoplasmic neuronal inclusion
when is lipofuscin present
- rabies: negri bodies [esosinophilic]
- AD: neurofibrillary tangles
- parkinson: lewy bodies
what are the intranuclear neuronal inclusions
- herpes: cowdry type A bodies [acidophilic]
- CMV (has intranuclear and cytoplasmic) [basophilic]
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of astrocytes; most important indicator of CNS injury
astrocytes are metabolic buffers and detoxifiers of brain; foot processes contribute to BBB
describe the appearance of a gemistocyte
large nucleus that is eccentrically located, bright pink cytoplasm
what three diseases have ALZ type 2 astrocyte
hyperammononemia, wilson, hereditary metabolic disorder of the urea cycle
HSP alpha-B crystalline and HSP27
seen in rosenthal fibers
- thick, elongated, brightly eosinophilic
- occur within astrocyte processes
what are the two histo elements of pilocytic astrocytoma
note: both are slow processes
- rosenthal fibers - beaded sausage / corkscrew hyaline bodies; bright pink
- eosinophilic granular bodies - protein droplets, PAS+ ; seen in gangliolioma and pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
this leukodystrophy has periventricular, perivascular, and subpial rosenthal fibers
alexander disease
indigestible remnants of astrocyte metabolism, commonly seen in aged brains
corpora amylacea
round, faintly basophilic and laminated; subpial and perivascular
corpora amylacea and EGB are both…
microglia are derived from
CR3 and CD68 +
*CD68 stains brown
miroglial response to injury
- microglial nodules : surround small foci of necrosis
- neuronophagia : surround dying neuron
- rod cell w/ elongated nuclei (neurosyhpillis)
what cells are responsible for PML and MSA in response to injury
- progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- multiple system atrophy
PML has…
intranuclear inclusions
MSA has…
alpha-synuclein, a glial cytoplasmic inclusion
what virus damages ependymal cells?
CMV; viral inclusions
disruption of ependymal lining can lead to ependymal granulations
increased EC fluid d/t BBB disruption and increased vascular permeability
vasogenic edema
describe the fluid shift in vasogenic edema
intravascular to intercellular