Intro to nationalism Flashcards
What people feel and think they belong to
Territory with borders that are recognized
-right to govern itself
The political authority to govern and control the affairs of the nation without interference
Extreme form of nationalism
Civic nation
When people, no matter ethnicity or beliefs agree to live according to particular values and beliefs expressed in law
Civic government
a government formed by citizens
Cultural pluralism
a belief that holds that collectives should encourage to affirm to promote their unique cultural identity.
Contending loyalties
loyalties that compete
Non nationalist loyalties
loyalty that does not involve the idea of nation
ex. religious, regional, racial etc
is the belief in a nation, a shared sense of belonging, or a shared consciousness of a collective identity
Self determination
the power to control ones own affairs
Love of/devotion for a country
Ethnic nation
Is founded on a shared ethnicity, culture and language
Reasonable accommodation
a legal and constitutional concept that requires Canadian public institutions to adapt to the religious and cultural practices of minorities as long as those practices do not violate other rights and freedoms