Intro to MMCD Flashcards
What does MMCD Stand for?
Master Muncipal Construction Documents
What is the MMCD?
Integrated set of contract documents that forms the skeleton of a tender package.
Designed for:
- Municipal Works (Underground utilities to street level)
- Unit Price Contracts
- BC Legal Environment
When do we apply/need MMCD?
We need it when:
- BC Law needs to be applied
- Any form of municipal work needed such as utilities to street level design, lighting and traffic control, unit prices to form majorty of tender items
Why does MMCD use Unit Price Contract?
It works with them since their scope is less defined conditions that municipalities encounter in infrastructure works.
- quantity determination is difficult to output
- lots of unknown conditions
- decisions are made on site alot
- helps to reduce bid risk for little cost.
When do we NOT use the MMCD?
Large sum/Fixed Price Contracts
Any form of structural work - unless more specifications are added in relation to municipal
Hazardous material clean ups - usually for CCDC
What was the reason that MMCD was formed?
1988 - owners, contractors and consultant saw there were benefits to having a better standardization of contract documents.
1995 - entire package was published to MMCD to create document development and ever since then, main documents have been updated and reprint continously.
What kind of benefits did MMCD achieved from having these standardizations?
Benefits all parties from minimizing errors and effort in tender preparation and bidding
Also minimizes confusion in standard and contract terms.
Because there are less errors, there are reduced construction + adminstration costs
Maximizing and efficient words of understanding to everyone.
Benefits owners to improve confidence in credibility and defence.
- enables regular updates without duplicate efforts to each owner when there’s a change.
What are some measurements of their success in having MMCD?
Market penetration!
- purchased by over 90 municipalities and district $$$
- recommended by 2 gov ministries
Testimonial Benefits
- users have saved 10 % in contract costs
- users recommend MMCD to non users (ofc)
Litigation Reduction
- there has been no MMCD contract that needed to be resolved in COURT. wow!
Why are MMCD so successful as they say?
Language was used through consensus(harmony) representative of 3 parties involved (owner, consultant, contractors).
[wording was picked from the 3 parties involved]
Created in fairness and easy to understand and use.
MMCD Philosophies (basic fundamental rules)
Fair to all parties Fair way to resolve disputes Fair way to address changes Minimize risk taking by Contractor Write in plan english Avoid repetition
In terms of Risk Management, what principles does MMCD apply to regards to risk?
1) Not in Owner’s best interest to attempt to choose “all-in” risk.
> Owner will pay too much in the long run.
2) All risks (known/suspected) at the time of tender MUST BE DISCLOSED. It is a legal requirement
3) Any risk should be OBVIOUS in tender documents.
> Done by stating all changes to the base documents in Volume 2 through supplementary.
What is the role of the Owner in MMCD?
Own / Acquire the site and all its risk
Arranges for site’s:
- design
- financing
- owner permits
- utilities movement
Engages with Contract Adminstrator
Tenders and Select Contractors and Approve Sub-Contractors
What is the role of Contractors in MMCD?
Awarded the contract based on the tender documents from the owners.
Owner picks contractor usually based on the lowest price.
Owner chooses contractor based on their experience in the firm, and superintendent experience.
Owner CAN reject proposed subcontractors BEFORE awarding.
Once awarded, their role is to:
1) commit to all strict compliance in the contract
2) full responsibility for SITE SAFETY
3) full choice in method of construction, and responsible for contractor permits
4) Responsible to manage subcontractors to meet the same contract standards.
What is the General Role of the Contract Adminstrator? (CA)
It’s mandatory, and appointed from owner from their own staff or another consultant.
- Has to be placed at the Notice of Award bid
- Has to be remained throughout the contract
- Their role is done at TOTAL PERFORMANCE stage.
Their authority is deep but narrow (specific authorities)
- constrained to the specific wording of the contract. No other form of interpretation is allowed.
What are some limits on CA’s authority?
Their role is strict and has to be constrained by the exact wording of the document.
This is required to prevent abusive authority and prevent poor working relationship between parties.
If there are no limitations, their freedom attracts the owner’s liability to the contractor through tendering.
What are the 3 Hat Problems?
CA 3 Hat Problems are roles that the CA is required to fulfill.
1) CA represents the owner, and make sure that the owner gets what was stated in the contract.
2) CA is required to be an impartial arbiter (referee) to the contract.
3) CA may be the representative of the Designer, and ensure that design principles are following the contract. The CA has the same responsbility as the designer.
What is the CA function? What is their general job?
Basically to:
1) middle person for contract communications
2) authorize payments
3) provide instructions for any negiotation / change orders (they’re the referees!)
4) Evaluate Quality Compliance
5) Monitor Progress vs Schedule
6) Evaluate Completion requires
7) Makes decisions on items that may be disputed
8) ensure the owner has full documentations and reports of the contract, and defend against claims and extra charges that occurs during the contract.
What is the Role of the Superintendent?
Represent the Contractors on site - Responsible for everything applies to them.
Middle person between Subcontractors and Contractors.
Responsible for daily compliance with all Contract qualities and schedule terms from the contractors.
- supervise and direct work to ensure safety within contract docs.
Responsible for all site safety for workers and sub contractors (ANYBODY on site + public)
responsible for means+method of construction.
- assign labour, equipments, materials
- provide sequence of work and scheduling of sub contractors
Responsible for all site testings
Responds to all request from CA
Provides updates on schedules and keep contractor’s records of any claim.
Provides payment by builder’s liens
Must be listed in tender docs.
What is the role of Sub-Contractors in MMCD?
Require to comply with all contract provisions above.
- competent employees
- quality and schedule compliance
- payment terms
- assess to work areas for inspections
Any communication/orders needed must come from superintendent. CA IS NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE INSTRUCTIONS without going through superintendent.
Payment certication for builders lien act is done by the superintendent as well.
What happens when you change something in MMCD?
If the change is an addition, or alteration then it has to be in a similar concept between the two difference. It must be within the place of work.
If it’s not any of the above, then it will be consider as “EXTRA WORK”
What are the role difference in Change and Extra work?
Change is mandatory for the contractor to follow, and owner to issue to the contractor.
Change order must be addressed and issued.
Payment negotiation falls back to “Force Account Work”
Extra work is an optional choice for both parties. Contractor does not have to provide a quote and the owner can deal with other parties.
If the extra work is awarded tot eh contractor, the change order must be issued. If it’s awarded to other parties, the contractor has to co-ordinate that situation.
What does MMCD state in regards to Hazardous Materials?
Owner have to own this risk.
Contractor does not test/investigate without Change Order.
Obligation for all parties to be responsible. The liability goes in order principle. So if the contractor acts good, then owner carries all liability and the contractor is protected.
How does MMCD deal with Disputes? (Principles)
There are no surprises in disputes, so the dispute has to be formalized/called within the time limit. If not, then there is no dispute.
CA makes all initial decisions to deal with conflicts/disputes and then issues gets moved up.
Although, you do want to try to resolve between parties. All parties have to perform equally.
How does MMCD deal with Disputes? (Principles)
There are no surprises in disputes, so the dispute has to be formalized/called within the time limit. If not, then there is no dispute.
CA makes all initial decisions to deal with conflicts/disputes and then issues gets moved up.
Although, you do want to try to resolve between parties. All parties have to perform equally.
What are the Disputation Steps?
1) Initial Decision to dispute is made from CA.
2) Formal Dispute Notice has to be filed within 10 days
3) Negotiation meeting by next level authority?
4) Addition Referee is engaged unless both parties decides to waive this step
5) Settlement Meeting where they need a mediator.
6) Final Settlement declared by the arbitrator or the court.
What is “Force Account Work”
“Time and materials”
Used when there is a change order issued
Any pricing that has not been resolved before work start
Decision is needed to be made to determine a price
Require to report daily. If there is no reports everyday, the owner does not have to pay given task.
Form is open as long as both parties are clear with it.
Items do not need a price on it, but a list of quantities of materials is needed and verified that they will be used.
> CA/Inspector must sign this. It’s only for verification, and not entitlement.
What is “Force Account Work”
“Time and materials”
Used when there is a change order issued
Any pricing that has not been resolved before work start
Decision is needed to be made to determine a price
Require to report daily. If there is no reports everyday, the owner does not have to pay given task.
Form is open as long as both parties are clear with it.
Items do not need a price on it, but a list of quantities of materials is needed and verified that they will be used.
> CA/Inspector must sign this. It’s only for verification, and not entitlement.
What is the Payment Process in MMCD?
CA is obligated to prepare/approve the progress payment certificate within 5 days of month END.
- in hopes of superintendent and CA agreement in quantites but CA will govern.
- CA determines any holdbacks/offsets
Owner must pay in full within 15 days. Cannot Dispute the CA’s decision in approved cost.
Contractor is entitled to charge interest on any late payments.
Explain Quality Control & Quality Assurance and How they work?
Contractor is obligated to MEET specification quality. Owner decides to do what kind of test and how many should be done.
Contractor pays for failed tests as well as pay for remeidating damages
Owner pays for successful tests.
Owner do not obligate to contractor for the timing extent of the test executed.
–> Platinum Edition clarifies the responsibilies between quality control and quality assurance.
Quality control (Contractor) and Quality Assurance (Owner)
What is the Primary Contractor responsbile for?
All of the people that is placed at the work from Start to End.
Owner must fully support contractor’s effort to enforce safety rules or else the liability will be on the owner.
What is the Primary Contractor responsbile for?
All of the people that is placed at the work from Start to End.
Owner must fully support contractor’s effort to enforce safety rules or else the liability will be on the owner.
What does Substantial Performance mean?
End of Contract. There are two types of substaintial performance
1) Compliance with Builders Lien Act
2) Compliance with MMCD Requirements
Both need to meet the monetary test (budget test)
The remaining work must be valued less than 3% of the 1st 500k contract value, 2% of the 2nd 500k contract value, and 1% of the balance of the contract value.
Contractor must apply these and Owners cannot issue this on their own.
CA evaluates and issues certificate in regards to this.
What does Total Performance Mean?
Total performance occurs at the end of contract as well. It is the stage where the CA’s role can end.
When all deficiencies are set right (rectified), the contractor can apply for total performance.
If the CA agrees, the certificate is issued and final payment is now due. The contract is now completed.
The contractor is still responsible for any warranty items for 1 year. CA can act for the owner for this warranty period.
Explain the Waiver Claims for Substantial Performance
1) When the submission of request for certificate occurs, the contractor can not submit any new claims.
2) When the formal certificate is made, the owner cannot submit any new claims or backcharges.
Explain the Waiver Claims for Total Performance
1) when the submission of request for certificate occurs, the contractor cannot submit any new claims within the interim period
2) when the formal certificate is made, the owner cannot submit any new claims or backcharges in the interim period.