Intro to mastitis Flashcards
Environmental pathogens are found on teats and teat ends, originating from faeces or bedding. Name the three environmental pathogens
E. Coli
Strep uberis
Contagious pathogens are spread in the milking parlour and prevented with post-milking teat dipping. Name the contagious pathogens.
Strep uberis Strep dysgalactiae Strep agalactiae Staph aureus Mycoplasma Fungi Coagulase -ve staphs
What are the grades of mastitis?
Subclinical - no clinical signs but change in SCC, mild yield and quality
1 - mild, changes in milk
2a - acute, changes in milk with hot and painful udder
2c - chronic, changes in milk with lumpy hard udder
3 - changes in milk and udder, with a sick cow
When treating mastitis, the infection is either cleared or it isn’t. What are the potential consequences of not clearing the infection?
Chronically infected cow
Permanent udder damage
Reduced milk yield
Death from toxaemia or culling
At what stage in production is the risk for mastitis highest and why?
Dry period
WBC function reduced and not being milked (no teat dipping or flushing out)
Apart from the dry period, what other stages in production are high risk for mastitis?
Early lactation
The Startvac vaccine is against which bacteria?
Staph aureus
Coagulase -ve staphs
What antimicrobial substances are naturally present in milk?
Lactoferrin Lactoperoxidase Lysozyme Free complement produced by hepatocytes (LLLF)
What epithelium is in the teat skin which helps the innate immune system against mastitis? What type of acids are present?
Stratified squamous epithelium
Bacteriostatic fatty acids
What is involved with the 3-fold rule for teat dips?
Pre-milking (remove environmental pathogens)
Post-milking (remove contagious pathogens)
Conditioning teat skin to withstand disinfectants and milking machine
What pathogen and vector is associated with Summer Mastitis?
Trueperella pyogenes
Spread by flies (Hydrotea irritans)