Intro To Law Unit 1 Flashcards
Person who wants claim recognized by court
Person with claim brought against them
Rule of law
Everyone is under the law even lawmakers
Private law
Between individuals
Public law
Between governments and people
Human rights commission
Federal or provincial government agency that investigates claims of human rights violations & tries to negotiate settlements
The unfair treatment of a person based on irrelevant characteristics such as race or sex
Crown prosecutor
Lawyer for the crown who represents the governments interest in investigating & punishing crime & protecting public peace
Small Claims Court
Handles small claimsor debts with out lawyers
Common law
Based on custom and past legal decisions; Canadian law
Law enacted by legislature
Party that registers complaint of a human rights violation
Person or party against plaintiff(claim brought against them)
Court of Appeal
Only hears appeal cases. Each provinces highest court
Rule of precedent
Follows previous court cases for consistency & predictability on similar matters