Intro To Inteligence Flashcards
What Is Intelligence?
Psychologists have not yet agreed to a specific definition of “intelligence” that everyone agrees with. However, An internal capacity hypothesized to explain people’s ability to:
1) reason abstract
2) learn to adapt to new environment circumstances
3) acquire knowledge
4) benefit from experience ( kind of like having a certain wisdom)
What are the four approaches to conceptualize intelligence
1) General vs. specific intelligence
2) Fluid vs. crystallized intelligence
3) Multiple intelligences
4) Triarchic model of intelligence
Where does General vs. Specific Intelligence come from
What is Psychometrics
Psychometrics measures mental capacities/persoanlity/ intelligence
And example would be like iq tests
What is Charles Spearman known for
For Factoranalysis
What is Factor analysis
High correlations among scores on several questions
These questions measure a common ability, i.e., an underlying factor
General intelligence is also called
G factor
What is g factor / general intelligence
Underlies performance’s on various tests
- is the overall / “general” difference in IQ among people
What’s a possible explanation as to why general intelligence differs from people to people
Due to a Possible biological basis which is the Speed of neural transmission
What’s specific intelligence also known as
S factor
What is s factor
Unique to each test and contains our special skills and abilities
What are the 5 Components of General Intelligence
1) Visual-spatial ( solving a puzzle )
2) Quantitative reasoning
3) Knowledge ( reading)
4) Fluid reasoning ( solving a puzzle on the spot like a rubix cube)
5) Working memory ( ability to hold info in structural emeory/ working memory to solve a problem
What can general intelligence be split into?
Fluid vs. Crystalized Intelligence
What does Fluid Intelligence involve
- ability to reason
- capability to learn new things
- abstract thinking and problem solving
What does Crystalized Intelligence involve
- fact based
- prior learning and experience
- ability to use acquired knowledge to solve problems
( recalling information to solve)
Can Fluid intelligence “flow” into crystallized intelligence over time. If so provide an example
1) navigating in a new city
- first a person might need maps to figure out how to get places which is using fluid intelligence then , after a while it turns into crystallized because they may be able to drive to places like a fast food place or supermarket without using a map as a resource, ( this is an example of it flows because at first u learn something new and the it’s a matter of recalling it)
2) sports
- first you learn the skill and then it turns into muscle memory
Why is there a decline of fluid intelligence as one ages .
1) deterioration of neurological functioning
2) fluid intelligence is used less as one ages ( especially used less frequently when they reach 50)
What professor suggests there are multiple intelligences
In response to general intelligence Howard Gardner used a Case’s study approach and discovered that people posses many set of separate and indep intelligence and every individual has a different types of intelligence in which they excel at
List the multiple types of intelligences
1) Linguistic
2) Logico mathematical
3) Spatial
4) Musical
5) Bodily Kinaesthetic
6) interpersonal
7) Intrapersonal
8) Naturalistic
What characteristic of high scores do people with a Linguistic intelligence type have and what are some suggested occupations of a person with Linguistic intelligence
They speak and write well and are suggested to become a translator or editor
What characteristics of high scores do people with a Logic-mathematical intelligence type have and what are some suggested occupations of a person with Logic-mathematical intelligence
- use logic and mathematical skills to solve problems, like scientific questions
- suggested to become scientists or engineers
What characteristic of high scores do people with a Spatial intelligence type have and what are some suggested occupations of a person with Spatial intelligence
- they think and reason about objects in three dimensional space
- suggested to be architects, artists, interior designers, animation or fashion designers
What characteristic of high scores do people with a Music intelligence type have and what are some suggested occupations of a person with Music intelligence
- perfrom, undertsand and enjoy music
- suggested to be dancers, mucians ( like taylor swift or kanye west lol) or even music teachers
What characteristics of high scores do people with a Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence type have and what are some suggested occupations of a person with Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence
- they manipulate their body in sports, dance, or other physical endeavours.
- suggested to become athletes ( like Simone biles), coaches or physiotherapists
What characteristics of high scores do people with an Interpersonal intelligence type have and what are some suggested occupations of a person with Interpersonal intelligence
- they understand and interact effectivily with others
- occupations of salesperson, teacher or a counceller is suggested
What characteristics of high scores do people with an Intrapersonal intelligence type have and what are some suggested occupations of a person with Intrapersonal intelligence
- undertsnad and posses insight to self
- suggest becoming a philosopher or prophet
What characteristics of high scores do people with a Naturalistic intelligence type have and what are some suggested occupations of a person with Naturalistic intelligence
- recognize, identify, and understand animals, plants and other living things
- suggested to become naturalists, biologists or veterinarian
what did Gardner argue that provided support for multiple intelligences
he argued that autistic savants provided support for multiple intelligences
What are autistic savants?
they’re really good at certain things but lack some social and linguistic skills, this term refers to someone who is hyperfocused on a certain skill but lacks others. People on the autism spectrum usually see this like Stephen Wittshire
what are some reactions to gardners multiple intelligences
1) it’s impossible to falsify
2) not clear why certain abilities classify as intelligence while others don’t
3) no good evidence that these intelligences are truly independent
what are the components of Triarchic model of intelligence
1) Analytical intelligence
2) Creative Intelligence
3) Practical intelligence
- note that people may show a high degree of all intelligences or just in one and less in others
Whats Analytical intellignce?
- part of the Triarchic model of intelligence
- deals with academic problem-solving and computation ( the act of mathematic calculation)
WHat is Creative Intellignce?
- part of the Triarchic model of intelligence
- imaginative and innovative problem solving
What is Practical Intelligence
- part of the Triarchic model of intelligence
- Street smarts and common sense
- people with his intelligence interview people who are successful in different careers and these people have a better predictor of career success than IQ scones on standardized tests and arent independents of g ( idk what the independent of g means btw, it just says that in the slides)
What Intelligence is a mix of Fluid and. Crystalized Intelligence
Cattell and Horn