FE (5) Treatment of Psychological Disorders Flashcards
Are Early Treatments effective
Mainly ineffective
* Hydrotherapy, wet packs
* Hot baths, hot boxes, lamps
* Shock therapy
* Insulin comas; Electrical convulsions (only used in serious cases)
* Lobotomy ( was mostly used to treat ppl with schizophrenia)
WHat are Biomedical Treatments
- Biologically based treatments
*Attempt to directly alter the brain’s chemistry or physiology
WHat are the types of Biomedical Treatments
Main types are
1) Psychpharmacotherpy (ex: drug therapies)
2) Electulisive therapy (ECT) this is only used as a last resort ine extreme cases
WHat are Antipsychotic Drugs
- Reduce positive symptoms of schizophrenia ( like disordered speech, hallucinations and illusions)
- Most act on dopamine ->
- Chlorpromazine (brand name Thorazine): Treat delusions,
hallucinations - Not much effect on negative symptoms
- Side effects: Involuntary movements of tongue, jaw, face, etc.
What are Antidepressant Drug and name three types
- they treat depression and major depression disorders
- Modulate neurotransmitters implicated in mood disorders
1) Tricyclics (TCA) ànorepinephrine and serotonin ( prevent absorption of more serotonin)
2) Fluoxetine (e.g., Prozac)àserotonin ( increases serotonin leveles)
3) Lithium carbonate: mood stabilizer for the manic state of bipolar disorder - Tricyclics and Fluoxetine are gievn when individual presnes depressive symptoms and biporlare disorder when theyre both in a depressive episode
- Lithium carbonate is given during a manic episode
WHat are Anti-Anxiety Drugs
Reduce tension, anxiety (e.g., Xanax)
* Also known as tranquilizers ( provide you a calming affect)
* Lower excitation in affected neurons
* Anxiety is linked to a high level of activation in amygdala
WHat are the three main cateogies of thepry drugs
1) Antipsychotic Drugs
2) Antidepressant Drugs
3) Anti-Anxiety Drugs
What are some cautions of Psychopharmacotherapy
- there can be Side effects
- side effects can be influences based on how high or low ones weight or age is and what their race is
- Questionable use of SSRIs in children and adolescents
- Relapse of symptoms after discontinuing the drug
WHat are some Psychopharmacotherapy Evaluations
- Psychotherapy alone can produce as great or better benefits for many disorders.
- Clear advantages to combining medications and psychotherapy when:
- Symptoms interfere greatly with functioning- Psychotherapy alone has not worked for a 2-month period ( when this happens they usually have to combine psychotherapy with medication to help )
WHat is Psychotherapy
- Insight therapies
- Behavioral approaches
- Is psychotherapy effective?
what % of of Canadians talked to a health professional about their mental health
what % of of Americans have received psychotherapy at some point in their lives.
WHat sex seeks more therapy and what ethnic group seeks more therpay
- females
- Caucaisans
WHat makes s agood therpaist
- tehyr warm and genuine
- establish a positive workign relationship
- tend not to contradict clients
select important topics to focus on in sessions - match treatmenat to need sof clients
WHat are Insight Therapies
They give clients self-knowledge, or insight, into their psychological problems
WHat types of Insight therapies are there
1) Psychodynamic therapies
2) Humanistic therapies
WHat is Psychodynamic Therapies
One of the types of insight therapy
* Includes General approaches and beliefs
* Traumatic or adverse childhood experiences cause problems.
* Analyze hidden thoughts, feelings, wishes, fantasies, and significant past events
* Help clients achieve insight into unconscious material
* This insight then causes symptoms to disappear.
WHats Psychoanalysis
Developed by Freud I
* Goal: Bring hidden impulses, Traumatic memories to awareness —> free patient from disordered thoughts
* Time-consuming, not a quick fix ( if done traditional way)
Whart are the Psychoanalysis: Techniques
1) Free association ( technique in which clients express themselves without censorship
of any sort)
2) Interpretation (From the client’s string of free associations, analysts form hypoth- eses regarding the origin of the client’s difficulties and share them with him or her as the therapeutic relationship evolves. Therapists also formulate interpretations— explanations—of the unconscious bases of a client’s dreams, emotions, and behaviors)
3)Dream analysis (“royal road to the unconscious” According to Freud, dreams express unconscious themes that influ- ence the client’s conscious life. The therapist’s task is to interpret the relation of the dream to the client’s waking life and the dream’s symbolic significance.)
4) Resistance (attempts to avoid confrontation and anxiety associated with uncovering previously repressed thoughts, emotions, and impulses)
5) Transference (act of projecting intense, unrealistic feelings and expectations from the past onto the therapist)
WHats the Neo-Freudian Tradition
- Brief forms (12-16 sessions)
- More concerned with conscious aspects of the client’s functioning
- Emphasize the impact of cultural and interpersonal influences on behaviour
- More optimistic, emphasize needs for power, love, status (not just sex and aggression)
List some Evaluationsof Psychodynamic Therapies
- Many concepts are difficult to falsify
- Poor external validity
- Brief treatments are better than none, but not as effective as other therapies
- No evidence for repressing hurtful memories
What are Humanistic Therapies and what techqnique and goal do the have
One of the types of insight therapy
* Goal: Help clients gain insight into their fundamental self- worth and value as human beings
* Techniques: Offer support, act as a confidant or friend
Explain Person-Centered Therapy
- The client, not the therapist, holds the key to psychological health and happiness
- Problems stem from incongruence between self-concept and reality of everyday experiences
- Others attach“conditions of worth”to approval,causing us to act inconsistently with true feelings
What do Person-Centered Therapists Provide:
a) Therapist is not “phony,”expresses feelings openly and honestly
2) Unconditional positive regard
a) Therapist does not place conditions of worth on client
b) Accepts and respects client no matter how client behaves,no matter what client says
a) Therapist tries to see things from the client’s perspective
b)Validation,not pity
what does Person-Centered therapy try to increase and cause
- Tries to increase awareness and heightened self-acceptance
- This is intended to cause people to:
1) Think more realistically
2) Become more tolerant of others
3) Engage in more adaptive behaviours
Person-Centered Therapy: Carl Rogers (video)
Provide som Evaluations for Humanistic Therapies:
- Core concepts are difficult to falsify.
- Conditions for effective therapists related to outcome
- More effective than no treatment, but mixed results
compared to other therapies
WHat are Behavioral Approaches
- Designed to change behavior by using established learning
techniques - Maladaptive behavior is learned, and can be unlearned
through changes in environment
WHat are the three therapies in Behaviour approaches
1) Exposure Therapy
a) Systematic Desensitization
b) Flooding
2) Applying Rewards and Punishments
a) Token economy
b) Aversion therapy
3)Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
a) Rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)
b)Beck’s cognitive therapy
Whats Exposure therapy
First therapy in behaviour approaches
Patients are confronted with their fears à reduce that fear
involves two techniques
a) Systematic Desensitization
b) Flooding
whats Systematic Desensitization
- exposure therapy technique
- Very effective for many anxiety disorders, like phobias,
OCD, and PTSD - Led to development of exposure with response prevention
therapies like flooding
Whats flooding
- exporsure therpy technique
*Clients immediately experience their greatest fear, with no
aversive consequences.
* Therapists prevent clients from performing typical
avoidance behaviours.
* Can use virtual reality
* Misuse can lead to increased fear.
Whats Applying Rewards and Punishments
second therapy to behaviour approaches
- Based on the principles of conditioning
incluides two techniques
* Token economy
* Aversion therapy
WHats Token Economy
Technique of applying punishment and rewards therapy
* Operant / instrumental conditioning
* Patients rewarded with small tokens when they act
* Can exchange tokens for privileges
* Useful for helping institutionalized patients develop life
Whats Aversion Therapy
Technique of applying punishment and rewards therapy
- Classical conditioning
- Replace a positive reaction to a harmful stimulus with
something negative - Example: Give a drug (Antabuse) that causes severe nausea
when alcohol is ingested
Whats Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Third therapy in behaviour approach
- Replace maladaptive or irrational cognitions with more
adaptive, rational ones - Core assumptions
a) Cognitions can be identified and measured
b) Cognitions are the key player in both healthy and unhealthy psychological
c) Irrational beliefs can be replaced by more rational and adaptive cognitions
Includes two techniques
1) Rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)
2) Beck’s cognitive therapy
Whats Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)
First technique in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Developed by Albert Ellis
- Therapist verbally assaults irrational thought processes
almost like a cross-examiner - Can be harsh and confrontational at times
What certain beliefs does REBT Target
- I must be loved and approved of by everyone”
- “It’s awful when things are not the way I would like them to be”
- “I should be very anxious about events that are uncertain or potentially
dangerous” - “I am not worthwhile unless I am . . . “ (competent, adequate,
achieving, etc.) - “I need someone stronger on whom to depend or rely”
Whats Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
Second technique in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Less harsh / confrontational than rational emotive therapy
- Encourages clients to identify irrational thought processes
themselves - Record-keeping or “homework”
Provide some evaluations for CBT:
- More effective than no treatment or placebo treatment
- At least as effective as psychodynamic, person-centered, or
drug therapies - Can be effectively combined with drug therapies
Provide 5 reasons as to why or why not Psychotherapy is Effective?
- Most of the clients (80%) who receive therapy do better than
the clients who don’t receive any therapy. - Many psychotherapies are about equal in their effects.
- Some psychotherapies can make people worse.
- The control group/clients placed on a waitlist improved
over time as well. Bogus therapies may also work. - Effectiveness depends on the kind of problem and
symptom severity. For example:
* CBT for mild to moderate depression
* CBT + medication for more severe depression
* Behavioral therapies for some kinds of anxiety disorders