Intro to ICS Flashcards
National Incident Management System - Defines core ICS concepts
All comms between org response during a response should be?
Plain language (Clear and understood by all intended recipients)
ICS includes a Incident commander or Unified command other positions include:
Ops, Planning, Logistics, Finance/Admin
Single vs Multi Cmd Structure
Single - Designates Single commander
Multi - Cmd includes members of numerous orgss from separate locations/jurisdictions
Ops Section Chief
IC’s direct management of all incident related “TACTICAL” activities
OPS = Tactical
The ideal span of control is
3 to 5 direct reports
Span of control should not exceed
7 direct reports
Major incidents are classified by type 1-5. Type one is the
most complex and required national resources
All cmd and ics positions are staffed
ICS 201
Incident Briefing form - provides IC commander with basic info
ICS 202
Incident Objectives form - provides priorities and safety considerations
ICS 203
Organizational Assignment List - info where personnel will go
ICS 204
Assignment List - Details division and group sup of incident assignments
ICS 205
Communication Plan - radio freq of talk groups
ICS 206
Medical Plan - medical aid status, transport services, local resources
Type 1
Most complex and require all positions to be staffed require national resources - i.e. pandemic
Type 2
Beyond local control
Type 3
Some command positions filled
Type 4
Cmd staff activated only if needed
Type 5
incident can be handled with 1 or 2 resources