Intro to Homeopathy Flashcards
Injuries to wounds, nerves (lockjaw, tetanus, shooting pains)
Hot, confident, extroverted, sports fan, don’t want connectionLEFT sided, fresh airAF: suppression of skin eruptions, egotismFears: heights, infx, contamination, dz, cancer, catching coldsburning, itching, discharge, redness, obesity, HTN, DM, skin eruptionsDesires: sweet, fat, beer, salt, cold/warm drinksAvoids: egg, fish, sour, milk
Fears: illness, fear something will happen, death, disease, thunderLEFT sided remedy, will lie on R sidewith people, massage, touch, warmth, rest, sleepAvoids: oysters, pickles, fish, eggsDesires: salt, spicy, cold drinks, chocolate, sweetclairvoyant extrovert, sensitive to external impressions, spacey, intense relationships, tall, lean, long fingers, suggestibleMay have: paresthesias, bruising, heavy menses, respiratory (recurrent URI)
AF: overexertion that came on at rest, cold, wetnessmassage, warmth, movement, warm weather, warm drinksLEFT sidedbed feels too hard d/t restlessnessarthritis, joint pain, pain at 1st movement, restless, playful, skin eruptions, stiffness
Rhus tox
AF: fright, fear, cold dry air exposureFears: death, predicts time of death, crowds, being touchedhead hot, body cold; palms hot, feet coldopen air, after perspiringintense thirst for cold water, hypersensitive to painsudden onset of violent Sxs: chills then fever, penumonia, burning, numbness, tingling”Arnica of the eye”
AF: fright, near death experiencespainlessness of painful complaints; lack of reactionclairvoyant, delusions, cisions, ecstasy, sexual fantasiessleep apnea, coma, warm
Bruised, bed feels too hard dt soreness; says he is well when sickHot face/head; cold bodyAF: fright, shock, grief, abuse, losing money, anger, sexual abuseFears: being approached, touched, black cats, lying down; symmetrical abortionsFirst aid to stop bleeding, fractures, inflammation, shock after injurythreatened abortion, HA, irritation, dysentery, rotten egg gas
Inflammation, oversensitivity, migraines, throbbing HA, redness, feverfull head, RIGHT sidedskin feels hot; heat hot, cold hands and feet pressure, sitting upright, cold compresssensitivity to touch, jarring, coldAF: cold, drafts, temperature changes (getting a haircut)Pt: robust, intelligent, flushed, sicker than they look, sleep on stomachCrave: lemons
AF: grief, fright, disappointed lovefasting, foggy weather, RIGHT sidedFears: robbers, claustrophobia, heightsAversion to slimy, fat, chicken; Craves fish, farinaceous, breadPt: easily offended, introverted romantic, don’t cry in public, talk about painful memories unemotionally, Delusion: double lifeDryness, retention, eczema, constipation, insomnia, HA, palpitation
Nat Mur
Fears: insanity, that others will notice confusion, heights, dark, insects, dz, poverty, cancerPt: overwhelmed, overworked workaholic, chronically late, avoids change, slow, anxious about health, overweightPerspires when coldwarmth, touchavoids: meat, spicy, fat; craves eggs, chalk, meat, dairy, oystersConditions: cradle cap, vertigo, frequent colds
Calcaria Carbonica