Homeopathy I Flashcards
First aid for burns;slow onset of symptomsold age, paralysis, twitching, Bells palsy, MS, TMJ…dysphagia, tenesmus/fecal incontinenceraw burning, drawing paralytic pain; cough copious sticky dcAF: cold dry windy weather, swimming, bathing, fright, worry, grief, emotional hardshiprainy damp weather, warm bed, swallowing cold waterFear: darksensitive to injustice, dictatorial, defiant, anarchist, sensitive to noise, touch, excitement
appendicitis, arthritis, HA, flu, dryness (dry lips, dry cough)slow onset of Sxs; LEFT sided cold, cold room, pressure, lying on affected sidesensitive to touch, jar; holds chest when coughingirritable, doesn’t want to be bothered, worries about work, the futurethirsty for cold drinksFears: poverty, insanityAF: mortification, angerDelusions he is away from home
Byronia alba
Conditions: mb dying, malignancy, anorexia, RIGHT sidedburning pain >heat, thirsty for sips, chilly, Pt: insecure, vulnerable, world is dangerous/hostile, hopeless, suicidal, fastidious, neat, anxiety about health, offended easily, malicious jestingFears: death, disease, suffering, robbers, dark, poverty, starvation, being alone, cancerwarm, open air, heatDesires: lemon, fat, alcohol, olive oil, hard liquorAverse: farinaceous, beans, peassyphilitic remedy
Arsenicum album
AF: grief, disappointed love, broken relationships, wounds, 1st coition, mortification, surgery>after breakfast, pressure, warmth
Sudden onset of SxsRIGHT sided/ Right–> LeftAF: jealousy, fright, anger, bad news cold, motion, sitting up, exertionburning, stinging, swelling, puffy, allergic rxns, skin eruptionsPt: angry, irritable, restless, thirstless, shrieks, sensitive to touch, family oriented, fastidiouspsycotic psora
Apis Mellifica
First aid use: gastroenteritis, allergiesConditions: spasms, “wants to but cant” (tenesmus, dry heaving etc), liver disease, closed os during birthPt: sensitive to light, cold noise; driven, easily angered, weeps when angry, impatient, work oriented, strong sex drive, violent, wakes at 3amDrugs: alcohol, coffee, self-medicatedAF: anger>fatty spicy foods, warm, rest, lying down, desire to fix themselves/ work–> stimulants–> irritated nerves, oversensitivity, spasms–> weakness
Nux Vomica
Pt: carer is priority, irritability that explodes into anger, sarcastic, critical, easily aggravated by noises, dislikes being consoledFirst aid use: PMS, menopause, spontaneous abortionFears: ghosts, poverty, insanity, being alone, thunderstorms>exertion, occupation, open air, evening, firm pressure with exerciseAvoids fat, salt, meat; Desires sweet, vinegar, sour, pickleschilly remedy, LEFT sided
Pt: needs love and support, needy, feels forsaken, wants to be liked, changeability, irresolution, rigid/dogmatic, yielding disposition, thirstless even with dry mouth, easily moved to laughter/ tears, fleshy, pregnantFears: that someone will leave them, robbers, insanity, abandonment> open air
Pulsatilla nigrans
Pt: doesn’t want to be consoled, ambitious, hysterical, sighing, smiling/laughing when describing sxsreality–> shock–> spasm/cramps/hysteria–>depression–> silent grief–> trying to fix the situation (Pt is stuck)AF: grief, shock, injury, changes to reality lying on affected side, heat, hot drinks, eating, walkingCraves: cheese, pickles, breadHA w/ perspiration only on face, lump in throatConditions: torticollis, spasms, dry persistent AM cough, hiccups,
Ignatia amara
Pt: haughty, braggard, coward, wrinkled forehead, easily offended, dreads public speaking, skinny on top/ pear shaped, easily satiatedAF: fright, mortification, angerFears: failure, intimacy, marraige, being alonemidnight, warm drinksRIGHT sided, migrates R–> LCraves: sweetsweakness–> inadequacy–> anxiety–> bloating–> anger–> explosion