Intro to GI Physiology Flashcards
main function of GI tract
digestion and absorption of nutrients
Functional layers of SI
muscle layers - circular and longitudinal m.
extrinsic NS - ANS
cell bodies outside gut wall
intrinsic NS - ENS
cell bodies located within the wall of the gut
parasympathetic innervations
via the vagus and pelvic n. pre ganglionic - brainstem and sacral spinal cord post ganglionic - wall of organ Ach to nAchR - ganglion Ach to mAchR - target organ
sympathetic innervations
via n that run b/w the spinal cord and prevertebral ganglia and b/w these and the organs pre ganglionic - w/in spinal cord post ganglionic - inn ENS Ach to nAchR - ganglion NE to ADR alpha or beta - target organ
cell bodies within gut wall
innervated by myenteric and submucosal plexuses
integrating center - stimuli in wall of gut
can have effect w/o CNS input
vago-vagal reflex
modulate ENS responses
centers that control food intake are located in the brain
paracrine regulation
acts locally, diffusion over short distances
released by enteroendocrine cells or sensing cells
examples - somatostatin and histamine
secreted: by D cells of the GI mucosa
released: due to decrease in luminal pH
actions: inhibits gastric H secretion and secretion of other GI hormones
also secreted by hypothalamus and gamma cells of the exocrine panceas
stored and secreted: by enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells in gastric glands in stomach
target: parietal cells
action: stimulate acid production
endocrine regulation
hormone peptides w/in EECs are released after stimulation
hormones enter portal circulation to liver to systemic circulation to target cells
hormone family: gastrin-CCK
site of secretion: G cells of stomach
secretion stimuli: small peptides, AA, distention of stomach, vagal stimulation
actions: increase gastric H, stimulate growth of gastric mucosa
cholecystokinin (CCK)
hormone family: gastrin-CCK
site of secretion: I cells of duodenum and jejunum
secretion stimuli: small peptides, AA, FFA
actions: increase pancreatic enzymes and HCO3, contraction of the gallbladder, growth of exocrine pancreas and gallbladder, inhibit gastric emptying, paracrine signaling
hormone family: secretin-glucagon
site of secretion: S cells of duodenum
secretion stimuli: H in duodenum, FFA in duodenum
actions: increase pancreatic and biliary HCO3, decrease gastric H secretion, inhibit trophic effects of gastrin, paracrine signaling