Intro to evolution Dr Marta Flashcards
What is the theory of evolution?
Evolution as we understand it today is a theory, based on SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that provides a testable mechanism which can explain the formation of life and the diversification of species.
What is scientific theory?
- Observe and collect facts
- Make a hypothesis to explain facts.
- Using hypothesis make prediction
- Test prediction
- Reject or improve hypothesis and repeat.
If hypothesis stands up it is a theory
How do using a cocktail of drugs challenge a viruses ability to survive?
Now we use a cocktail of drugs targeting several genes in the virus, making it more difficult for the virus to acquire beneficial mutations.
What is the beginning of evolutionary study?
Aristotle’s scala naturae.
What is the latest milestone in evolutionary study?
The origin of species published.
What is Aristotle’s scala naturae?
Ordered organisms into a linear sequence from least to most complex
It fuelled the views of natural theology – the world could only be created by an intelligent designer leading to the Special Creation view of life:
What did Caroleus LInnaeus produce?
Bi-nomial naming system(Homo sapiens)
What did George Cuvier produce from his evolutionary studies?
Cuvier publishes his
extensive studies of
vertebrate fossils.
led the foundations for darwin through age of fossils are reasoning for extinction
What did lamark discover from his studies?
A change in the environment causes changes in the needs of organisms living in that environment, which in turn causes changes in their behavior.
Altered behavior leads to greater or lesser use of a given structure or organ; use would cause the structure to increase in size over several generations, whereas disuse would cause it to shrink or even disappear.
What were the three observations explained by darwin in the origin of species?
1) The unity of life
2) The diversity of life
3) The match between organisms
and their environment
Name a vestigial structure?
Useless body part,
e.g tail bone(coccyx)
Give some evidence of microevolution?
Selective breeding or artifical
Give some evidence of speciation?
From natural populations, populations can DIVERGE to the point that their Individuals can no longer interbreed(types of fish)
Give some evidence of macroevolution?
From transitional forms.
fossils show mix of features
traits typical of ancesters and novel traits seen later in descendants.
e.g dinosaur to crow
Also from continental drift(pangea)
What is homology?
is similarity resulting from common ancestry