Intro to development and meiosis Flashcards
Embryonic Development: Growth
increase in cell number, size, extra cellular matrix
Embryonic Development: Induction
chemical signal causing change in cells (migration, differentiation, or other change)
How many weeks do embryologists vs clinicians count up to?
Embryologists count up to 38 weeks from fertilization, clinicians count up to 40 weeks from LMP for EDF.
Third trimester
Embryonic Development: Cell Differentiation
Some genes are activated (determination). Others are inactivated (restriction)
Notch/Delta (Morphogen)
Require direct cell-cell contact b/t Notch and delta, cell fate determining
TGF-B Morphogen
promotes cell growth and differentiation, angiogenesis, mesoderm migration, axons
Fetus (and weeks)
9 weeks to birth. All organ systems made functional.
WNT (Wingless-related integration site) (Morphogen)
Muscle development
movement of cells from one location to another
Embryo (and weeks)
2-8 weeks, organ systems start developing
Paracrine factors
Fibroblast growth factors, hedgehog family, WNT, Transforming Growth Factor-B
(Ex. Cells move towards periphery in gut tube and you get an open space in the middle of what was previously solid tissue)
Hedgehog series, SHH (Morphogen)
Development of vertebrae
one third of human gestational period, not related to developmental stages
Second trimester
non viable
embryo or fetus + all surrounding membranes derived from zygote
Marfan syndrome
Defective fibrillin, otherwise absorbs/reduces amount of TGF-B
Bone Morphogenic Proteins (BMP’s) (Morphogen)
signaling molecule helping with differentiation
Pre-embryonic stages (and weeks)
First 2 weeks, after 16 divisions they are irregular/non-sequential and you have morula (ball of cells), then space inside morula is blastocyst
Selective Cell Death
Apoptosis of cells b/t fingers
Embryonic Development: Differential growth
Some part of structure grows faster than another (ex. Stomach
fertilized egg after nuclear fusion