Intro to cellular pathology Flashcards
What are cells?
• Living, more or less self-sufficient entities that may form more complex structure
What are tissues?
• Interwoven masses of cells and extra cellular material
What is histology the study of?
• Study of tissues and their structure
What is the 4 different level of organization?
○ Tissue structure-How cells combine together with extracellular material and each other to form tissue
○ Cellular structure-How a cell is shaped and how the components inside cells are organized to support that cells specific function
○ Sub-cellular structure-Detailed analysis of organelles and inclusions
○ Histochemical structure-Molecular analysis of cellular structure
What is histopathology the study for?
Study of tissues affected by disease
Why is hisopathology useful in?
• Useful in making a diagnosis and in determining the severity and progression of a disease
What are epithelial cells made of?
Made of cells arranged in a continuous sheet with one or more layers
What do epithelial tissue have?
Have apical and basal surfaces
What does the basement membrane do?
○ Basement membrane separates epithelial layer from the underlying connective tissue
What are the two types of epithelial tissues?
§ Covering and lining epithelia
§ Glandular epithelium(endocrine and exocrine)
What is used to classify epithelium?
§ Number of cell layers and shape of the cells in the top layer are used to classify epithelium
Classification of epithelial tissue
§ Number and distribution of cell layers
□ Simple epithelium- One cell layer
□ Stratified epithelium-two or more cell layers
□ Pseudostratified epithelium-Cells are anchored to the basement membrane but not all cells reach the apical surface
§ Shape of the top layer of cells
□ Cuboidal, columnar, squamous
Where are simple cuboidal epithelial tissue found?
In renal collecting ducts
Where are stratified cuboidal epithelial tissue found?
Lining of ducts of mammary gland
Where are pseudostratified columnar epithelial tissue found?
Lining of the epithelium of the trachea