intro to cancer Flashcards
what is cancer?
cancer is a large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body
cells in a specific part of the body grow and repoduce uncontrollably
what can cancerous cells do to the surrounding tissues?
cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue and spread to other areas
what does the make up of a cell look like?
cells have a nucleus with the same chromosomes (made from DNA sequences)
what is a gene?
A gene is a length of DNA, with instructions on how to make a particular protein
what do proteins do?
proteins have different functions, and allow cells to monitor their environment and change their behaviour
what causes proteins to change their behavior?
signals from neighboring cells
nutrients and oxygen
passing WBC
damage and stress
how does a normal cell become a cancer cell?
there is a fault in the chromosome which leads to a fault in the gene and a fault in the protein produced( protein dictates cell behavior)
what is the result of a faulty protein?
faulty protein could cause abnormal cell growth
where can cancer cells also spread?
in the blood supply or lymphatic system and other areas of the body
what are the 5 different types of cancer?
lymphoma and myeloma
brain and spinal cord cancers
what is carcinoma?
*This cancer begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal
organs, eg. lining the oesophagus
what are the different subtypes of carcinoma?
There are many different subtypes: eg. adenocarcinoma, basal cell
carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma
what is the most common type of cancer?
can you have more than one type of carcinoma affecting each organ?
yes, Can have more than one type affecting each organ, eg. adenocarcinoma
(small cell lung cancer) and squamous cell carcinoma (non-sclc)
what is sarcoma?
this cancer begins in the connective or supportive tissues such as bone, cartilage, fat, muscle or blood vessels