Intro Revision Questions Flashcards
Plq induced ging
inflammatory response of the gingival tissues due to plq accumulation located at and below gingval margin
Signs of plq induced ging
bledding on probing High plq and bleeding scores Ging swelling and redness Probing depths <3mm no attachement or bone loss
Non plq induced ging
caused by - infection, genetic origin, traumatic lesions, nutritional defienecy, manifestations of systemic infections, inflammatory conditions
inflammatory disease intitated by bacteria which can cause severe inflammation and bone loss around teeth
Signs of perio
Bleeding on probing Bone loss Ging recession Probing depths >4mm Black triangles Tooth movement in some teeth
Local risk factors
acquired - plq, calc, overhanging and poorly contoured resotrations, ortho, occlusal trauma due to bone loss
Anatomical - malpositioned teeth, root grooves, concavities, enamel pearls, furcations
Systemic risk factors
non modifiable - aging, genetic factors, gender, genetic disorders
Modifable - smoking, poorly controlled diabetes, HIV, leaukaemia, osteopenia, stress, medications, hormonal changes, poor nutrition
What probe is used for BPE
CPITN - 3.5-5.5mm band (ball end)
0 - no probing depths, >3.5mm, non calc, overhangs or BOP
1 - no probing depths >3.5mm, non calc, overhangs, BOP
2 - no probing depths >3.5mm but supra and sub ging calc present/overhangs
3 - probing depths of 3.5mm -5.5mm present
4 - probing depth >6mm or more
* - furcation involvement
What probe used for 6PPC
PCP 12 probe - 3,6,9,12mm bands
What is including in a 6PPC
probing depth - base of ging crevice to ging margin
ging margin - receded +, overgrowth -
loss of attachement (probing depth +/- recession or overgrowth)
Risk factors for perio
smoking diabetes stress obesity certain meds restoration overhnags family hisotry diet low in some nutrients ortho applicances poorly designed RPD furcations defective crown margins
Treatment planning for BPE scores
0 - no need for perio treatment
1 - OHI
2- OHI, removal of plq retentive factors, including sub and supra calc
3 - OHI and RSD
4 - OHI, RSD, asccess the need for more complex treatment, refer to specailist
Grade 1 - <1mm
Grade 2 - 1-2mm
Grade 3 - >2mm rotation or depression
Grade I - up to 3mm horizontal attachement loss
Grade II - >3mm horizontal attachement loss but not through and through
Grade III - an through and through lesion
Signs of perio disease
bleeding gums bad breath tooth loss sens teeth swollen and tender gums recession of gums loose teeth lengthening teeth gum abscess appearnace change drifting teeth mobility black traingles
OHI tools
T - talk I - instruct P - practice P - plan S - support