Describe the purpose of professional standards of nursing
To direct and maintain safe and clinically competent nursing practice. These standards are important to our profession because they promote and guide our clinical practice.
Explain how nursing practice is regulated
The initial review of credentials during registration, the periodic professional registration renewal, competency exams, and continuing education
Explain the relationship between levels of healthcare and levels of prevention
— Preventative: preventive care is more disease oriented and focuses on reducing and controlling risk factors for disease through activities such as immunization and diet counseling.
— Primary: providing interventions to reduce the risk of a disease/illness through health education/promotion; federally funded
— Secondary: focuses on preventing the spread of disease, illness, or infection once it occurs
— Tertiary: focuses on reducing complications of long-term diseases/disabilities through treatment/rehabilitation
— Restorative: helps patient regain maximal functional status, improving QOL, and promoting independence, and self-care
— Continuing Care: help patients adapt to permanent health changes so they can remain active and engaged
Discuss the role of nurses in different health care settings
Decision maker.
Manager of Care.
Patient Advocate.
Describe ways to express caring in practice
Discuss the health belief, health promotion, basic human needs, and holistic health models of
health and illness
Basic Human Needs (top to bottom): Self-actualization Esteem | Love & belonging | Safety | Physiological needs
Describe the variables influencing health beliefs and health practices
Describe health promotion and illness prevention activities
Discuss four types of risk factors and the process of risk factor modification
Describe the variables influencing illness behavior
Examine current trends in American families
Discuss the role of families and family members as caregivers
Explain the characteristics of patients from selected vulnerable populations that influence a
nurse’s approach to care
Describe elements of a community assessment
Describe social and cultural influences in health, illness, and caring patterns
Use cultural assessment to plan culturally competent care
Discuss the QSEN competencies for evidence-based nursing practice
— Patient Values
— Clinical Expertise
— Values
Other QSEN skills: teamwork, collaboration, safety, quality
Describe the steps of evidence based practice
Discuss levels of evidence in the literature
Discuss ways to apply evidence in nursing practice
List at least six critical-thinking skills
Review seven attitudes of the critical thinker
Explain how critical thinking is used in the nursing process
Describe each step of the nursing process in detail
Discuss approaches to data collection in nursing assessment
Differentiate between subjective and objective data
Subjective: What the patient/subject says
Objective: hands on; what is felt, heard, and seen
List the steps of the nursing diagnostic process
Discuss the process of priority setting
Describe goal setting
Differentiate between a goal and an expected outcome
)Expected outcome:+