Intro/ misc Flashcards
How close does flow by O2 need to be to be effective?
within 3cm
What level of FiO2 do different O2 supplementation devices provide?
Flow by - 25-40 02 hood - 30-40 02 cage - 25-40 Unilateral nasal catheter - 30-50 Bilateral catheter - 30-70
What are the risks associated with non-humidified air/ too high flow rates
Epithelial damage
patient discomfort
Reduced mucociliary clearance
What are the risks associated with 02 toxicity - n.b will only happen in Fi02 greater than 50% for over 24 hours
Free radical damage
inflammation and oedema
chronic administration will lead to fibrosis
What type of breathing may you suspect with URT disease?
Inspiratory noise
Inspiratory effort
What may be suggestive of lower airway disease?
Louder lung sounds
In cats expiratory dyspnoea is suggestive
What may be suggestive of pleural disease
Decreased lung sounds
Paradoxical breathing highly suggestive, although can get it with other things, cats are 12-14x more likely to have pleural space dz cf anything else if have this
What is paradoxical breathing
Where the abdomen is sucked in whilst the chest expands
What are the signs that suggest a CHF rather than resp disease?
<37.5 temp
RR >80
HR 220 or more
What percentage of CHF cats have no murmur, gallop, or arrhythmia?
How reliable is a pro BNP snap when trying to determine if dyspnoea is heart or resp
If +ve doesn’t mean CHF
If -ve can mostly rule out CHF
How useful are rads for determining dyspnoea due to CHF in cats?
Only see LA enlargement in 50-70%
Only see pulmonary venous congestion in 50-70%
What are the stages of cardiac disease in dogs on rads?
Cardiomegaly, with compensation
Pulmonary venous congestion, decompensation
Pulmonary infiltrate +/- pulmonary venous congestion
What VHS is suggestive of CHF in cats?
> 9.3
however other things can cause cardiomegaly, e.g. anaemia, pericardial effusion
What percentage of pericardial effusions are due to CHF in cats?
What LA:Ao measurements are used to suggest CHF?
> 1.6 in dogs or 1.5 in cats is suggestive
>2 is highly probable