Intro (M) Flashcards
What are the elements included in the consent form?
- name of procedure
- risks and complications
- alternative Tx
- description of procedure
- signatures of physician and patient
What is the purpose of a Jaeger plate?
prevents needle from going through lid into globe
What are the procedures for post-exposure evaluation?
remove glove, promote blood flow (push blood out), place under running water, testing
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What surgical blade types are used in optometry (and what is each used for)?
11 (shave biopsy)
15 (chalazions or paracentesis)
What are the 8 parts to the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard of OSHA?
- universal precautions
- exposure control plan
- engineering controls
- work practice controls
- personal protective equipment
- Hep B prophylaxis
- training and education
- recordkeeping
What is the major universal precaution?
treat all human blood and other potentially infectious material as though it is infectious
What are the different types of sterilization?
- moist heat (autoclave, 250deg)
- dry heat (160deg)
- ethylene oxide (low temp, low moisture, long time, hazard)
- cold chemical (corrosive, expensive, disposal issues)
What is the part of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard of OSHA that provides procedures and practices to describe methods of performing a task in a way that is designed to reduce the likelihood of exposure?
work practice controls
What is the Oklahoma limits for non-laser optometric surgery?
- lacrimal probing
2. dermatologic procedure that is non-cosmetic and provide correction and relief from ocular abnormalities
Is lateral resistance greater in small or large surgical blades?
larger (longer)
What are the things that must be explained to the patient prior to performing surgery?
- explain what intend to do, risks, complications, benefits and alternatives
- ask patient if have any questions
- ensure patient understands
- obtain permission to perform procedure
What is the aseptic technique where you wipe instrument with alcohol wipe and soak instrument in peroxide?
What is the aseptic technique where you remove blood and tissue immediately, clean with distilled water or saline with mild soap, inspect instrument, and then immediately dry?
What is the purpose of OSHA?
improve safety and health for all workers
What increase with a longer procedure time?
risk of contamination
What is the part of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard of OSHA that is a list of specific controls, practices and list of who is responsible for them?
engineering controls
What is the standard aseptic procedure for tonometer probes exposed to HIV or EKC?
soak in peroxide for at least 10min
What required a facility to develop a written document detailing the procedures when possible exposed to infectious material?
exposure control plan (ECP)