Intro Electric Current/Pain Managment Flashcards
What is Estim used for
- Production of muscle contraction
- for strength
- for function - Control of acute, chronic, postoperative pain
- Promotion of tissue healing
- Delivery of medication
- iontophoresis
What are the effects of electrical currrents
Depolarizing nerve membranes by producing action potential
What are the 3 types of waveforms
Direct (DC)
Alternating (AC)
Pulsed (PC)
What is direct current for?
Relieving edema
Sends medication directly to iontophoresis
What is alternating current for?
Pain management
Prevents accommodations
Muscle contraction
What is pulsed current waveform for?
Pain control
Tissue healing
Muscle contraction
High rate tens
Low rate tens
Pain management
Why would we use IFC?
Big muscles for pain management
What is the clinical application for IFC
IFC is more comfortable than other waveforms because it allows a low amplitude current to be delivered through the skin where most discomfort is produced while delivering a higher current amplitude to deeper tissues
What is the advantage of IFC
Including delivery to the skin of lower current amplitude and a larger area of stim are NOT produced by premodulated current
2 types of pulse currents
Monophasic pulsed current - flow in one direction
Biphasic pulsed current - flow back and forth
What is the clinical application for monophasic pulsed current
Promote tissue healing and for acute healing edema management
What is the most common monophasic current
High volt pulsed current HVPC
Symmetrical biphasic vs asymmetrical biphasic
Symmetrical - produce contractions fo larger muscle groups
Asymmetrical - smaller muscle contractions such as the wrist flexors/extensors
What is pulse duration
How long each pulse last
What are shorter pulse durations used for
Pain control
What are longer pulse durations used
Produce muscle contractions
What is Ohm’s law
What is the strength duration curve
Lower current amplitude and shorter pulse durations can DEPOLARIZE sensory nerve
Higher amplitude or longer pulses are needed to depolarize motor nerve
Even higher amplitudes and longer pulses are needed to depolarize pain-transmitting C fibers
What is accommodation
Process by which a nerve gradually becomes less responsive to stimulation
Modulation prevents what
Prevents accommodation/habituation
What are the contraindications of ESTIM
Acute hemmorhage
Damaged skin
Lack of sensation
Impaired cognition
Active growth plates
What muscle fibers are we targeting for High rate TENS
A- beta = non-noxious
What does low rate TENS
Produce brief sharp pain can stimulate edogenous opioid production and release
Pulse frequency range of 2-10
Minimize the risk of muscle soreness
When should low rate TENS should not be used
Recent injury
Tissue damage by contractions