Intro And Cranial Trauma Flashcards
This is suited for frontal sinus
Caldwell view
What is the other name of waters view
Occipitomental view
What is your first diagnostic procedure when it comes to head trauma
Conventional radiography
This is performed in unconscious patients with sever head injury
Cranial CT scan
This is used in the detection of acute epidural and subdural hematoma and non hemorrhagic brain injury
3 types of fracture
This type of fracture is commonly seen among infants or children
What are the physical signs of temporal fracture
CSF otorrhea
Battle sign
What are findings of head CT scan in temporal fracture
Opacification of the mastoid air cells
Fluid in the middle ear
What are the types of temporal fracture
This fracture line is along the axis of the petrous bone
Longitudinal temporal bone fracture
This fracture may involve the carotid canal or jugular foremen causing injury to the carotid artery or jugular vein
Transverse temporal bone fracture
This type of head injury occurs as a first result of a blow to the head
Primary lesions
What are the type of extra axial primary lesions
Epidural hematoma
Subdural hematoma
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intraventricular hemorrhage
What are the types of intraaxial primary lesions
Diffuse axonal injury
Cortical contusions
Intracerebral hematomas
Subcortical gray matter injury