Intro Flashcards
There exists an intangible mind and tangible body.
The mind is not subject to physical laws but exerts control
over the physical machinery of the brain (i.e. body).
Mind does not exist independently of the body. Brain=mind. The whole can be greater and different than it’s constituent parts
consciousness facilitates
communication which permits cooperation
Some completely blind individuals are still able to “guess”
the location and sometimes even shape of an object at
higher than chance levels (damage to prim vis cortex 90% of neurons go here but 10% don’t)
The Iowa Gambling task
shows we make decisions before we think we do
Condition in which two hemispheres of brain are isolated by cutting connecting fibers • Corpus Callosum: Large bundle of nerve fibers connecting hemispheres. Carry messages between hemispheres
Rubber hand illusion
An example of cross-modal sensory integration (i.e., visual
information informs “ownership”)
• Congruent stroking of a fake hand combined with visual
feedback creates the sense that the fake hand belongs to
the participant
Unilateral Neglect
Loss of conscious experience of objects in the left visual
field or left half of object
• Results from damage to right parietal lobe
A type of scientific explanation; a general conclusion
based on many observations of similar phenomena.
• Deductive reasoning
• A type of scientific explanation; a phenomenon is
described in terms of the more elementary processes that
underlie it.