Intro Flashcards
When does UCC govern contract?
Sale of Goods
When does common law/restatment govern contract?
Anything other than sale of goods
(property, services, etc)
Express Contract
formed with words
Implied Contract
formed with conduct
Bilateral Contract
promise for promise
promise for service
Void Contract
always improper in the eyes of the law
Voidable Contract
Grieved party has the option to render contract enforcable
Implied in Fact
implied through conduct
Implied in Law
No agreement
Goods (2-103)
all things moveable
communicated willingness to bargain inviting another’s assent
- gives power of acceptance
If price/quantity omitted:
Not an offer (unless OPT)
Consideration (R 71)
performance or return promise bargained for
- AKA gift vs deal
Promissory Estoppel
If someone detrimentally relies on a gratuitous promise, the promisor cannot deny consideration.