Intro Flashcards
Organisms with membrane-bound organelles and a self-contained nucleus
Science of classification of species
Any group of organisms with a formal name
Monophyletic taxon
Group of organisms that includes their most recent common ancestor and all its descendants
Polyphyletic taxon
Group of organisms in which the most recent common ancestor is not included
Science evolutionary relationships
Characteristics of fungi
Heterotrophic, chitin cell wall, hyphae, eukaryotic, glycogen as main carbon storage, produce spores, terrestrial
Eukaryote that is not a plant, animal, or fungus
Symbiotic relationship where one organism lives inside another
Primary endosymbiosis
Free-living photosynthetic cyanobacterium engulfed by protist
Secondary endosymbiosis
Free-living eukaryotic algae engulfed by protist
Phylum of gram-negative prokaryotic bacteria that photosynthesize
Cell lacking nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
Morphological species concept
Identification based on macro/microscopic characteristics
Cryptic species
Look similar but not related
Biological species concept
Species defined as interbreeding populations usually reproductively isolated
Ecological species concept
Species defined by ecological role, mode of nutrition, behaviour, interactions
Evolutionary/phylogenetic species concept
Based on DNA sequences, with similar sequences implying close evolutionary relationship
DNA barcoding
Use of DNA sequence from a signature region of the genome to make species-level identifications
DNA barcode
Standardized short sequence of DNA that is common to all species
Internal transcribed spacer
Non-coding region between 18S and 28S genes of ribosome, consisting of two parts separated by the 5.8S gene
Universal primers
Short nucleic acid segments that bind to specific DNA regions and can be used to amplify DNA fragments in PCR