Intro Flashcards
early 1600s, interested in knowledge acquisition, similar to Aristotle, concept of rationalism; gaining knowledge through careful though and logical proof
Rene Descartes
late 1600s, took Aristotle’s ideas of empiricism (gaining knowledge through observation, modern day scientific method) and emphasized them
John Locke
established on quantitative laws that describe the relationship between a stimulus’ physical intensity and the psychological response that follows
flow of info from various stores and processors in memory
IPS model
single massively interconnected network, linked by connections, inhibitory/excitatory, structures of cognitive model
Connectionist model
What do “empiricism” and “tabula rasa” mean
Gaining knowledge through observation
What did Wundt contribute to psychology’s history
Introspection, established a lab for psychological experiments
What and when was the behaviorist revolution? What are the main tenets of behaviorism?
period where psychology was redefined as the scientific study of observable behavior and mental processes were disregarded since they were not observable behaviors.
What was the influence of behaviorism/neobehaviorism on cognitive psychology
Smoothed over the transition from behaviorism to cog psych, the challenges and dissatisfaction behaviorism proposed provided a shift to cog psych
What were the problems (sources of dissatisfaction) with behaviorism that contributed to the development of Cognitive Psychology as a field?
Soldiers difficulty with advanced tech led to studies in cog psych since behavior studies didn’t correlate with the reasons why they struggled with the tech, the focus was on performing rather than learning
Rejected behaviorism with linguistics, deemed language as an important behavior, summarized the dissatisfactions with purely behaviorist studies, and shed light on the irrelevance of behaviorism
Noam Chomsky
How does the “Information Processing System” or IPS metatheory represent cognition
Storing of memory cognition in of itself is a cognitive process
What are the three main components (or modules) of the “standard” IPS model (excluding input and output)
Sensory, STM, LTM
How do connectionist models represent human cognition
They operate on the same, or very similar, basic principles as the brain, give us frame work for modeling, and stimulating cognitive process
The similarities between PDP models and the neurological structures and activities in the brain are intentional; connections sometimes are called synapses, excitation and inhibition parallel those processes in the cortex, and this approach is
neural net modeling