Intro Flashcards
Central Nervous system
Brain and Spinal Cord
Somatic and autonomic systems
somatic nervous system
cranial nerves and branches, spinal nerves and branches
autonomic nervous system
sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, enteric nervous system
Myelin sheath is what
insulation that helps the AP travel enable regeneration of AP facilitate saltatory transmission
types of neurons
multipolar bipolar - single dendrite single terminal unipolar - both axon and dendrite the same branch
Special sensory
vision, hearing, equilibrium, taste, smell
unconscious transmission to CNS “if you ate something and it was in your stomach”
conscious transition from skin muscle joint
CNS to skeletal muscle
Autonomic motor
CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac or glands, involentary
sensory = away
motor = exits
interneurons/associative neurons
comprise brain and spinal cord communicate between afferent and efferent
unidirectional rapid, predictable, and involuntary response to a stimulus no cortical involvement
Refelx arch
neural pathway that controls a reflex Sensory receptor >> sensory neuron >> interneuron >> motor neuron >> effector
Myotatic reflex start from the hit of the hammer
- Hammer tap stretches tendon which stretches sensory receptors in leg extensor muscles 2a. sensory neuron synapse excites motor neuron in the spinal cord 2b. sensory neuron also excites spinal interneuron 2c. interneuron synapse inhibits motor neuron to flexor muscles 3a motor neuron conducts action potential to synapse on extensor muscle fibers, causing contraction 3b. flexor muscle relaxes because the activity of its motor neurons has been inhibited