Intrauterine growth restriction Flashcards
LO: Explain the implications of IUGR with respect to the short and long term consequences
Short term
- preterm labour
- perinatal death (goes up almost exponentially from 38wks)
- neonatal morbidity (hypothermia, infection, hypoglycaemia, polycythemia, irritable and poor feeders, meconium aspiration, HIE= hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy)
Long term disability Childhood -motor and or intellectual handicap eg cerebral palsy Adulthood (developmental origins of adult disease= Barker hypothesis) -hypertension -DM -dyslipidaemia -vascular dz assoc with the above
LO: Appreciate the importance of IUGR diagnosis
Not in lec?
-allow for planning, monitoring +/- intervention e.g. Treat cause if possible, Steroids and Induction at 38wks?
With genetically small: parents small, abscence of recognised RFs, symmetrically small, normal growth trajectory, biophysically active, normal AF, normal umbilical and other doppler studies.
Diagnosis of IUGR:
- Hx,
- Ex,
- Ix (IgM or paired IgG. Torch screen, preeclampsia testing eg uric acid, FBE, thrombophilia screen)
? Karyotyping (will it change the management)
LO: Describe the principles of management of IUGR
- Confirm the diagnosis (restricted vs genetically small)
- Determine aetiology
- Assess fetal well-being/surveillance (CTG, US)
- Assess gestational age
- Treatment?
- Delivery: mode (aim for vaginal birth, as if have CS more likely to need to do classical, and increased risk of uterine rupture subsequently) and gestation (usually get it out if > or = 38wks). May require corticosteroids and neuroprotection!!
Definition of IUGR
Failure of fetus to achieve its growth potential.
Small for dates: BW <10th centile
Aetiology of IUGR (see lecture for details)
Fetal -congenital (chromosomes, genetic, structural anomalies, familial) -infections (esp CMV and toxo) Maternal -vascular dz, thrombophilia, toxins, cardiac dz, anaemia, malnutrition, hypoxia Placental -multiple preg -abruption -placental abnormalities
Diagnosis of IUGR
- sypmhyseal fundal height (detects ~2/3 of SFD BUT intra vs inter-observer reliability, so trend/continuity of care useful)
- US (more effective, but only done if suspect IUGR. Optimal timing ~34wks. Optimal single biometric measure= AC?)