Intraocular Non-inflammatory and Inflammatory Diseases Flashcards
What are the two important acquired non-inflammatory diseases of the ANTERIOR SEGMENT?
- hyphema
2. neoplasia
Causes of hyphema
- uveitis (RMSF, ehrlichia, neoplasia, etc.)
- trauma (blunt or sharp, rapid decompression)
- neoplasia (primary or systemic)
- hypertension
- coag factor abnormalities (warfarin, vWF Dz)
- Platelet disorders (IMTP, LSA, BM suppression, NSAIDs)
- hyperviscosity syndromes (multiple myeloma, FIP)
- congenital/genetic defects (collie eye, uveal cyst/pigmentary uveitis in Goldens, color dilute Aussies and Mini Dachsunds)
- Chronic glaucoma and retinal detachments
DX Hyphema
- Get a thorough history probing for toxins, inside-outside, tick exposure, signs of systemic illness, petechia and hemorrhage, drugs like NSAIDs
- PE looking for lymphadenopathy, spleno- or hepatomegaly, jaundice, petechia or echymosis
- look at the bad AND good eye - do thorough ocular exam
- CBC/Chem/UA, Coag profile (PT/PTT/ACT)
- Check Blood Pressure
- Titers for infectious causes (Bartonella, FIP, FeLV, for cats; ehrlichia, RMSF, brucella, lepto for dogs
TX of anterior segment disease
- you guessed it, treat underlying disease
- symptomatic so.. Reduce underlying inflammation (steroids or NSAIDs topical
- Cycloplegic agents - reduce painful spasm
- reduce/stop additional hemorrhage (epinephrine/phenylephrine)
- tissue plasminogen factor to break up clots
- anti-glaucoma therapy if indicated (miotics worsen uveitis, use CAIs or Beta blockers)
Prognosis of anterior segment disease
depends on underlying:
vitreal hemorrhage takes a while to resolve
retinal detachment is poor prognosis for vision and eye
glaucoma is poorer prognosis for vision
Canine anterior uveal melanoma
Large, Dark Dogs: Germans, Labs, Goldens, can be in little dogs
enlarging darkening mass; ACUTE hyphema, and/or ACUTE glaucoma.
TX: Laser or excise, if can’t can wait till gets big then enucleate
PX: good, metastasis rate is low
ciliary body adenoma/adenocarcinoma
Goldens over represented
PINK mass behind the iris, gluacoma, hyphema
TX: Enucleation best. Simple excision is low yield.
PX: good, also metastasis rate is low
Metastatic neoplasia
anterior uveitis, hyphema, hypyon, glaucoma, acute blindness, retinal detachments (Rottweilers)
TX: Chemo and symptomatic tx of uveitis
PX: POOR –> 90% of systemic neoplasia is Stage V LSA once it’s reached the eye
other neoplasia: SCC, osteosarcoma, hemangiosarc, adenocarcinomas with POOR PX’s each of them
Diffuse iris melanoma
Feline disease
progressive darkening of the iris, “blochty”, ultimately glaucoma
TX: none. Should enucleate because of potential to metastasize.
PX: watch the eye. CAN metastasize but VERY slow to do so. PIGMENT in filtration angle, PIGMENT migrating through the SCLERA and cats with glaucoma, are more likely to MET.
Feline metastatic neoplasia
LSA is not a death sentence for cats as it is for dogs
will see swollen iris, detached retina, hyphema,
TX: enucleation if primary, tx for systemic LSA
others: SCC rare in cats in eye, nasal/sinus adenocarcinoma reported
** Undifferentiated sarcoma ** – cats with puncture wound and phthisis bulbi get tumor of lens epithelial cell origin
Exogenous causes of uveitis
surface ocular disease (corneal ulcers and abscesses) - not as much of an issue in cats as in dogs
systemic dz w. release of inflammatory mediators that hematogenously spread to the eye (pyometra, abscesses, discospondylitis, bad teeth, etc.)
Infectious (8) and non-infectious (1) causes of uveitis in canine
if it is bilateral think SYSTEMIC, if not bilateral it could still be systemic but likely other
- Brucellosis
- Lepto
- Lyme
- Toxo
- Ehrlichiosis
- Systemic mycosis
- infectious canine hepatitis (distemper)
- Lymphosarcoma - hyphema, chorioretinitis, anterior uveitis, hypoyon
In the western united states, what is the majority of caine uveitis caused by?
immune mediated disease
In the eastern united sates, what is the majority of canine uveitis caused by?
infectious diseases
define uveitis
inflammation of the iris, ciliary body, and/or the choroid