Into to geography Flashcards
We'll learn about Urbanisation, push and pull factors, Urban sprawl, Urban Intensification, Population distribution and density, megacities and migration
What is urbanisation?
Urbanisation is the movement of people from rural areas to large cities in response to various push and pull factors
What are Push factors?
Push factors are reasons that people move away from an area.
What are Pull factors?
Pull factors are reasons for people to move to an area.
Give 3 examples of Push factors.
Here are all the options (You only need to list 3 though).
- Wars
- High crime rates
- Low job opportunities
- Environmental degradation
- Increase in living costs
- Lack of education opportunities
- Too big or too small populations
Restriction to rights
Give 3 examples of pull factors.
Here are all the options (You only need to list 3 though).
- Climate
- Safety
- Population
- City growth
- Low crime rate
- More freedom rights
- Medical facilities
- Better job opportunities
What is Urban Intensification?
Urban intensification is the idea that a city should accommodate more people through increasing density rather than size.
(Grow up towards the sky like apartments.)
Might not be able to grow in size (length) because a beach mountain or rough terrain might be in the way.
What is Urban sprawl?
Urban sprawl is the expansion of Urban developments in a city to accommodate an increased population.
What is Population Distribution?
Population distribution is the spread of people across a particular area.
What is Population Density?
Population Density is the number of people living in a unit area (such as a square metre or kilometre).
A higher population density means more people are living in a certain area.
What is international Migration?
The movement of people from one country to another due to economic, family, or safety reasons.
This includes people seeking asylum in another country, moving to join their families, or finding better job opportunities.
What is Internal Migration?
Internal migration is the movement of people from one part of a country to another.
This includes people moving for employment, better lifestyles or for environmental reasons.
What are Social factors?
Push and pull factors relating to culture, lifestyle, family and friends
What are Economic Factors?
Push and pull factors relating to employment opportunities, income, or housing affordability.
What are Environmental Factors?
Push and pull factors relating to environmental pollution or natural disasters.
What are the top Ten Megacities?
- Tokyo, Japan (37.4 million people)
- Delhi, India (29.3 million people)
- Shanghai, China (26.3 million people)
- São Paulo, Brazil (21.8 million people)
- Mexico City, Mexico (21.6 million people)
- Cairo, Egypt (20.4 million people)
- Dhaka, Bangladesh (20.2 million people)
- Mumbai, India (20.1 million people)
- Beijing, China (19.4 million people)
- Osaka, Japan (19.2 million people)
What are Rural Areas?
RURAL AREAS are regional and remote communities/small towns.
What are Urban Areas?
URBAN AREAS are large cities and developed areas.
What is Natural Increase?
Internal changes in the population are called natural increases.
Natural increase is births minus deaths.
What is Net Overseas Migration (NOM)?
People entering and departing Australia are called net overseas migration (NOM).
NOM is arrivals to Australia minus departures.
What is a Megacity?
A Megacity is a city that has 10 million people or more.