Into Lab Med Flashcards
qualitative testing definition
either positive/ negative
quantitative testing definition
measured amount reported in mass or volume; how much
Sensitivity Definition
presence of disease
compare true positives and false negatives
Highly sensitive test that is NEGATIVE is highly good at ruling out disease (SNout)
True positive
True positive + False Negative
68% sensitivity = if you take 100 ppl w/ disease you are looking for, how many pt with the disease are going to test positive? 68, so that means 32 people that actually have the disease will get a negative result
Specificity Definition
absence of disease; compares true negatives and false positives
Highly Specific test that is Positive is good for ruling IN the disease (SPin)
True Negative --------------------------------------- True negative + false positive
77% specificity = if you take 100 ppl who do not have the disease, how many pt w/ disease are going to test negative? 77 are going to test negative for the disease, 23 people will get a positive result even though they are negative
List the different kinds of chemistry panels and the tests within them
BMP- Na+, K+, Cl-, CO2, glucose, BUN, Creat, Ca2+
CMP- all of BMP + TP, ALB, AST, ALT, ALP, T. Billi
Liver Function- ALB, AST, ALT, ALP, T. Billi. D, Billi
Renal Function- BMP + ALB, Inor P.
Cell types measured in CBC
WBC, RBC, Platelets
Which type of lab test would you want to order to know types of WBC present?
CBC + WBC Differential
What type of RBC counts are included in a CBC
- RBC count: actualy # of RBC
- Hgb: amount of 02 carrying protein in blood
- Hematocrit: % of RBC
- Reticulocytes: not really part of CBC, but they may be useful in determining acute vs chronic bleed
- A lot of reticulocytes=chronic bleed
- Few= acute bleed
-RBC indices: MCH, MCV, MCHC, RDW
Why do you take careful consideration when ordering specific lab test?
- need to have diagnosis for every lab test
- only order when necessary- be cost effective
- only order test if it changes the treatment plan of patient
- if patient cannot endure test- do not order. ex: Stress test
Precision Definition
is a measure of the tests reproducibility
Coefficient of Variation Definition
precise tests vary slightly upon repetition.
Accuracy Definition
determined by its correspondence with the true value
*maximized by calibration of lab equipment with standard reference material
Normal result: lab test definition
within the reference range
Abnormal result: lab test definition
outside of the reference range
Average result:
lab test definition
mean of reference range