Interwar and WWII Flashcards
Totalitarian movement led by adolf hitler
National socialist party
Authoritarian and nationalistic right wing system of government
Italy, Germany, Japan made the-
Tripartite pact
Fascist leader in 1920s that pushed military expansion in Ethiopia in 1935, and caused Italy to leave League of Nations
Pact between 62 countries making war illegal
Kellogg Briand’s pact
Limits naval armaments among 5 leading naval nations, participants agree not to build new bases in pacific
Washington Naval Conference
2( (3?) % limit to immigration in 1921 to protect US culture
Emergency quota act
2% immigration based on 1890 census, JAPANESE in eligible for citizenship, 1924
Immigration Act
Urged strict American neutrality, abandoned lend and lease policies of 1940, FDR has permission to arm Allies
America First Committee
Neutrality acts of 1945-1937 Precent US involvement in international disputes, cash and carry policy, FDR reduces Latin America involvement, regional collaboration through hemispheric solidarity
Prime minister of UK, campaigns for rearmament against Nazi Germany, leader of opposition to labor movement
Winston Churchill
Supplied UK, Russia, China, other allies between 1941-1945, steps away from US isolationism, to further promote defense of US, FDR could give arms to over meant of any country
Lend-Lease Act
Initiatives to promote commercial expansion and regional collaboration, movement towards commercial, social, economic, cooperation among nations of Americas
Good Neighbor Policy
US sacrifices self proclaimed police power, solidarity against axis powers, non intervention, commercial expansion, regional collaboration
Hemispheric Solidarity
ruler in Cuba while platt is canceled, a revolt was suspected against him because high US tariffs
The “US guy” New leader in Cuba after muchado sent to exile
Dr Ramon gray San Martin
After Martin goes against US, US overthrows Martin and establishes leader
Batista, military officer, 1934
Guaranteed reduced tariffs and increased quotas for Cuban sugar/tobacco
Reciprocal trade agreement of 1934
Nationalizes oil industry in response to labor disputes between petroleum producers and unions
Offered national defense, economic development, foreign debt (US plays this country and Germany against each other)
Aid in financing and facilitating exports and imports and the exchange of commodities between the US or its territories or possessions and any foreign country, provides loans and banking to promote Latin America development
Export import bank
Inter American defense board, collaborative approaches to a common defense, sharing $ and technology
Hemispheric war college
Importation of temporary MEXICAN contract laborers to US
Bracero program
Feb 1942 FDR signs and interns all Japanese Americans in internment camps
Executive order 9066
Marked no on both loyalty questions
No no group
Most decorated unit force in armed forces, fought in Europe, Asians mainly Japanese
442nd combat unit
Supreme Court cases of Japanese internment
Fred Korematsu, Gordon hirabayashi
Head of brotherhood of sleeping car porters, march on Washington in 1942 to protest racial discrimination in war industries “most dangerous man in America”
Phillip A Randolph
Prohibits racial discrimination in defense INDUSTRY, put into place by FEPC( fair employment practices commission)
Executive order 8802
Zoom suit riots, dubbed by Eleanor Roosevelt, soldiers in Latin America clash with Mexican Americas, massive retaliation from Mexican community when man found dead
Race riots
Expansion of government and conversion of industry to war time production
Army, civil government, weapon producers inter connected
Military industrial complex
1/2 war financed with taxes, much larger percentage of Americans pay taxes now
Revenue act of 1942
Oversaw conversion of industry to war production, allocates scarce materials in wartime production, halts non essential building
War production board
Coordinated all government agencies involved in WWII, decided what government could contribute to war
Office of war mobilization
Establishes hours, wages, working conditions
National war labor board
Broadened presidential authority in seizing delinquent war plants, imposed 30 day cooling period for strikes, established criminal penalties for strike leaders, required majority of unions membership before a strike, forbade union contributions to political campaigns in wartime
Smith Connally war labor dispute act
President following Roosevelt’s death, atomic bomb decision
Benefits to returning war veterans in WWII
GI bill of rights
Cooperation between Americas through economic social political measures
Pan- americanism
Steel mill US promised to brazilians
Volta redonda