Interview Questions Flashcards
How does your current experience at Jenkins Law Library relate to this position
My current experience at JLL is this position.
The post sounds like you want someone who to manage IT stragey to support the librayry. IT strategy as it pertains to:
- IT infrastructure
- Digitization activities
- Website development
What customer-centered digital services / activities have you managed?
Website ILS CRM Local patron technologies (wireless, PC management, print management) Marketing email system Database / electronic resources. IP authenticated access
How have you modulated Jenkins’ IT strategy to meet the library’s strategic plan?
Prepare the IT and digitization infrastructure to allow for fast-paced digitization projects focused on small, content-rich collections. This involved providing storage, bandwidth, and content management services before the need arose.
Support a more flexible, mobile and disaster-resistant workforce with cloud-based tools to communicate and collaborate.
Centralize workflows related to content on our new website’s content management system.
Improve service availability by moving patron-facing systems off site, including our website, catalog, ILS, CRM system, proxy servers, and email marketing distribution system.
What experience do you have managing IT at multiple locations?
ETFCU – 8 branches throughout the city of Evansville, IN.
250 employees.
What experience do you have that could be useful for HotSpots at FLP?
ETFCU – 8 branches throughout the city of Evansville, IN.
250 employees.
What experience do you have with the mobile web?
WebPAC / ILS / Catalog – Mobile
15 - 19% of our users are mobile
How does your website experience translate into helping us with ours?
Our website is our most trafficed branch.
So is yours (7.3 million visits in FY 2013?)
Tell me about what you’ve done with CRM
Jenkins has two systems that could be considered CRM.
- Our actual CRM (CDB)
- Our ILS, the traditional CRM for libraries
Experience with merging both
Experience with replacing both
Experience with other CRM (Sugar, SalesForce, ACT)
What positive client relationships do you build / maintain with the public
IT has two customers – library patrons and staff.
For the public, IT is often “tier 2” support. Here’s what we’ve done:
– Established a procedure for communicating between “Front Lines” (ref, circ) and helpdesk.
– Established a procedure to ensure no contact point with the public is ever dropped.
– I personally give out my direct line and email address to any patron, unsolicited.
What positive client relationships do you build / maintain with the staff
IT has two customers – library patrons and staff. Here’s what we’ve done for staff:
–Followthrough when promised – I make it clear when I will follow up and then do so. Whether that’s in an hour, a week or a year.
What positive client relationships do you build / maintain with your own staff
I expect that my staff question my thoughts, challenge me on assumptions / my own arguments.
- Believe my staff have important things to teach me
- Believe in giving staff the tools they need to get the job done and then let them get the job done, supporting them in whatever way they need.
- Holding staff accountable
What experience do you have working in a government / large institution
One of my first positions - I worked for the county school system in Frederick County as an Account Assistant.
I recognize that that culture is significantly different.
What experience with / knowledge of unions do you have
I know that FLP employees are represented by AFSCME, DC 47, Local 2187.
I know that AFSCME has 1.3 million members in 46 states, and that it represents Philly city employees through DC47
President of Local 2187 is Jacqueline Marshall
Without a contract from ‘09 to March ‘14.
What positive client relationships do you build / maintain with your manager?
Continuous communication
Not afraid to say ‘we can’t, without ___’
How have you adjusted your IT strategy to meet changing needs?
IP-authentication for large firms
Mobile feature on OPAC
Statistics System
Overall, as a library:
Ebooks (Nolo by Ebsco Host)
Fastcase for all firms under 50 Employees
Digitizing materials out of copyright to improve space situation (Hein, Fastcase deals)
Experience with technologies for the blind
Some experience with JAWS.
Generalize awareness – We did an accessibility test on our website (after a Humanities confernece – chad) and we got poor results
What are your thoughts on our social media strategy
You have a team that knows that basic rules of SM. You’re posting regularly enough (respective to your channels) and you’re posting “right.” – Asking questions on FB, linking to great content on Twitter. I like that there’s no obvious overlap between Pinterest and Flickr.
Love that you’re into RSS – build your own feed, etc., especially with RSS never catching on. Also love that you release FB cover images, iPad backgrounds, etc for use. Great use of resources.
If you’re a not member of Instagram, I’d start watching it. If you are, it’s not listed.
FLP encompasses so many areas of interest that I’d consider branching out. – Additional channels for different work units.
YouTube: Your instructive videos get more views than the marketing / brand pieces (“Start Here. Go Anywhere). Focus in and improve those.
Your Social media experience
Been an advisor for PHLnet2 since 2009.
Monthly meeting: “Social Media for Social Change”
Only recently changed to ‘technology for social change’
Youth and Social Change event
Crowdsourcing Change
Social Media Samplers
Hyper-local media
How do you manage changes on the website
IMplemented change proceedures
Implemented proceedure to involve everyone.
Automated rollout of new features
What does your website do?
7,000 members with 90 different permission groups.
- Single sign on for all services (This means databases, personal catalog, and all website services)
- Membership Directory (CRUDing)
- Member Center
- IP Authentication
- Database Access
- 3 proprietary databases (CRUDing)
- Customized “libguides’ alternative
- Chat with a librarian
- E-commernce, including selling classes, documents, donations
- Class registration (CRUD)
What experience do you have with development for an ILS
Experience with III’s ILS OPAC
We’ve been in the process of migrating – so we have not put much effort into its development, however I have:
- Built SMS capability for users
- Worked with TS to ensure links to databases work without requiring additional authentication (single sign-on)
- Have certificates from III for Advanced WebPAC (“OPAC) design
What languages do you have experience in?
Scripting languages:
PHP, Java, JavaScript, Python, Perl, ASP, VBScript, VBA
Public technologies experience
Comprise Technologies’ SAM for PC and Print Management
Authenticate against a custom agent for CRM and stats purposes
Manage the classroom PCs (20) and instructor technologies.
Manage wireless system
WordProcessing PCs
What changes have you implemented for staff PCs and local network infrastructure
Implemented Application update (Java, Flash, Firefox, Chrome, etc) for common applications – testing and rollout.
Implemented procedure for testing and rolling out Windows Update.
Implemented PC replacement program, purchasing x number of PCs annually to replace all PCs over a five year period.
Replaced all network hardware including servers.
Experience with HyperV and VMWare
Describe a library-wide effort you’ve led
Building out R&B
Disaster Planning
Describe your digitization experience
three years’ experience managing digital content for a company or institution
Since 2009 - leading our digitization team
2.5 - 3 employees, depending on the time.
Relationships with Lexis, West for digitization
Relationships with ALM / PA Law Library
Data entry
Digitization quality control
City Solicitor
Describe PA Law Library
County opinions multiple formats (including hardcopy) digitize and then convert Make PDF, HTML available Sold in 2010(?) to ALM Still supply them with materials
Describe R&B
600,000 documents spanning 4 courts
- PA Supreme, Commonwealth, Superior, 3rd Circuit
Multiple media – digital, fiche, film
Process these each day and manage them on their way to Lexis, West to be digitized
Oversaw migration from one site to another
Describe PALH
What is a LH?
Nearly 1300 PDFs
Oversaw migration from one site to another
What issues did you run into with R&B migration
64 step migration – documented each step
Multiple docket number issue - finding related cases
The “other” field
Generated 5 page previews
Classifying document types based on guesses
Describe CitySol
What is the CitySol
Over 2000 opinions from ‘53 to ‘07
We built the system in three weeks.
Managed the digitization and development team during that time – crazy ride
Describe your library services experience
five (5) years of experience in library services (including virtual and web services) activities
Been working at Jenkins since 2008. Managed these services:
- IT and Web, including virtual reference rollout
Describe your management experience
(a minimum of five (5) years in the management of human resources and/or external contract resources, and in development and management of operating and capital budgets, preferably in a library/municipal setting)
Managed staff since 2009.
12 staff members
12 FTEs & 2 PT at one time. Down to 11FTE and 1 PT
Also have municipal experience at a county school system
What is the relationship between FLP and The Foundation
Does this go back to the lawsuit?
What do you know about the FLP
Mission of FLP, the Foundation
The Free Library of Philadelphia advances literacy, guides learning, and inspires curiosity.
The mission of the Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation is to develop resources in order to expand, enhance, and support the services, collections, building programs, and other activities of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
[It goes on…]
FLP Vision
Vision: Building an enlightened community devoted to lifelong learning.
When have you overseen change?
I work in IT. I haven’t ever NOT overseen change.
Organizational restructure - supported by:
- Ensuring the right internal resources were updated (from basic file permissions to our intranet’s interface)
- Hitting the reorg’s primary IT objectives
- Open Door Policy with staff. Anytime someone wanted to talk (complain, rant, etc) they were free to do so.
Define Intellectual Freedom
The right to receive and disseminate ideas and information without restriction.
One of the reasons I'm leaving -- I *can't* do that where I am. Wrote the privacy policy for the org Have concerns about anonymity. Statistics System -- Address Encrypt our entire site
Project management principles
Website R&B conversation City Sol launch IT Policies development PRivacy policy
Describe your financial management background
Bachelors Degrees in Business and Accounting
Worked with our accountant to change how we track IT expenses. Restructured the accounts, and clearly defined their uses to match the organization’s goals so management could see what each component of our vision costs.
Cut IT expenses 19% in four years by using IT’s strengths to our advantage
Experience with Contracts
Review all IT-related contracts
Experience with Contract Negotiation (ALM, PALL)
What are your strengths?
Followthrough Transparency Dependability Honest requirements building "I don't know"
What are your weaknesses?
Immediate decisions
Why are you interested in working for [insert company name here]?
No longer fighting to provide services to the public.
It’s expected of me.
Intellectual freedom
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
Working in government or NP sector supporting a humanitarian mission.
Why do you want to leave your current company?
Jenkins has been amazing.
It’s a small organization with a small set of problems, only some of which I have the ability and the license to solve.
Problems that are left make me passionate as an IT professional, but not as a librarian.
What can you offer us that someone else can not?
I really feel like I meet so many of the items in this job post it’s uncanny.
Within me you will find…
- Support of public libraries
- Outside perspective
- Work within the system to rock the boat
What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on?
Reading between the lines.
Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
We turned a nontechnical institution into a cutting-edge library in the time I’ve been there.
Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
CRM system – sugar
What is your dream job?
Managing IT strategy for a nonprofit dedicated to social change
How did you hear about this position?
I watch your Career page pretty religiously.
What would you look to accomplish in the first 30 days/60 days/90 days on the job?
30 days:
Meet with department staff. Meet with key leaders at Central. Get an idea of the library’s immediate goals per its strategic plan. Visit every branch. Develop IT strategy to match that plan.
Describe yourself.
Lived in five states in my life, mostly in the Midwest and East Coast.
Moved to Philly in ‘08 for graduate school.
Live in West Philly
Beer Brewing (Porter and a Pale Ale right now)
Gardening (Mention the roof!)
Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.
Terminated an employee for stealing.
Moral issues
Internal control issues
Issues of guilt (from other staff members)
Later order items on Amazon..
Why should we hire you?
I can answer to nearly every bullet point on your description.
Why are you looking for a new job?
I did the dual degree program because I liked the intellectual freedom aspect of librarianship.
Would you work holidays/weekends?
Sure. Let’s talk.
How would you deal with an angry or irate customer?
I have. Do not match anger with anger. Calm. nonthreatening response.
Give a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project.
Walk-In report…
What was your biggest failure?
What motivates you?
Take great satisfaction from a job well done.
From doing something that helps others
What’s your availability?
Can get away with 2 weeks. Would prefer 3.
Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.
60% of our support comes from tax dollars.
Less than 20% of our budget goes back to the public.
I disagree every day…
How do you handle pressure?
Calmly. Evaluate the situation. Prioritize a response. Delegate the response. Recognize that I can't be the sole responder.
This can be applied to any sort of pressure.
What is the name of our Director?
Siobhan A. Reardon
What are your career goals?
IT director at a nonprofit or government agency.
Involved in promoting social good.
What would your direct reports say about you?
I expect more than staff sometimes think they can accomplish, but provide the tools they ask for.
I do not micromanage
I’m fair, and understand when staff falls short.
What were your bosses’ strengths/weaknesses?
Great, progressive thinker.
Recognizes that we must change.
Not had a hard time convincing us of that, but rather in finding that direction.
If I called your boss right now and asked him what is an area that you could improve on, what would he say?
Fast decision making
Are you a leader or a follower?
Of course I’m a leader.
That said, I expect to be led in some way.
What was the last book you’ve read for fun?
5 Days at Memorial
What are your co-worker pet peeves?
Staff members: Please read my email
Co-workers: I do my best to ensure you’re aware of IT changes. Do the same for me.
What is your favorite website?
What makes you uncomfortable?
Personel issues
But I power through them.
What are some of your leadership experiences?
…Since 2009….
How would you fire someone?
With caution.
I have.
What do you like the most and least about working in this industry?
Love the ideals
Dislike the funding and polictical issues
Would you work 40+ hours a week?
What questions haven’t I asked you?
What questions do you have for me?