Institution Information Flashcards
Director of the FLP
Siobhan Reardon
SirsiDynix Symphony
What is SirsiDynix’s desktop client called?
What is Symphony’s predecessor?
FLP’s catalog discovery layer is
Version of VUFind FLP is using
Version 1.1
How is FLP governed
By two entities:
An independent city agency with its own BOD
The Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation, a nonprofit
Therefore, FLP is neither exclusively a gov. agency nor is it exclusively a nonprofit.
FLP was established in
Chartered in 1891
First branch opened in March 1894
What two figures feature prominently with the founding of FLP?
William Pepper
George S Pepper
William Pepper
Former Provost of University of PA
In 1889 convinced his uncle to donate $225,000 to establish a public library upon his death.
George S Pepper
Donated $225,000 to establish a public library on his death, which occurred in 1890.
Important Year: 1891
Year the charter for FLP was completed.
Also year 3 private libraries sued seeking George S Pepper’s money.
Important Year: 1892
The city of Philly founded the first branch, before the settlement of the court case. Under the Department of Ed. As the Philly Public Library.
Important Year: 1894
Year the courts agreed the money was for FLP. City Council consolidated FLP and the Philly Public Library into one org.
FLP mission
advance literacy, guide learning, and inspire curiosity
describe e-content available to FLP
117,062 Adult ebooks
2,534 Juvenile ebook
(Nearly 120k ebooks)
Also: ~20k audio books, ~20k streaming movies, over 1 million streaming audio
126 digital journal, magazines, newspapers
Number of public PCs via FLP
Famous collections at FLP’s Special Collections dept?
Charles Dickens
Beatrix Potter
Beatrix Potter
English Author
Authored the Tale of Peter Rabbit
Number of Branches at FLP
Square where the central branch sits
Logan Square
Number of volumes available via FLP
In the millions
~2 million?
Describe the Hot Spots program
Free Library Hot Spots bring computer access, classes, and the internet to neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia. Each Hot Spot includes computers, a printer, and all necessary broadband equipment.
Usage is down for FY2014
Ballpark operating budget for FLP
(Contributed by the city & state)
$43 million in FY2014
~$10 million in FY2013 by foundation
In 2010 what group released a study on the Economic Impact of FLP
Fels Research & Consulting
In 2010, how many total cardholders were there
In 2010, how many cardholders used the library once?
107,875 (Nearly 108,000)
~21% “active patron” rate (around what Jenkins has)
Average and median distance of a Philadelphia home to a library
Both are in the ballpark of 0.5 miles
What areas of value did the Fels report find FLP gave to the community?
Workforce Development
Business Development
Home Values and Neighborhood Values
Literacy Enrichment Afterschool Program
What it sounds like. Served 70,000 children in 2013
2014’s One Book, One Philadelphia
The Yellow Birds
Kevin Powers
2013’s One Book, One Philadelphia
The Budah in the Attic
Airport Outpost
Free Library keeps an Airport Outpost in terminal D/E.
Free wireless. Access to electronic resources.
Gadget Helpdesk
Started in 2013, it’s a genius bar, at the library.
For all sorts of gadgets.
At central branch
Relationship to the Rosenbach
Merged in 2013 with the Free Library of Philadelphia
The FLP Foundation’s Assets
Around $51 million, fy 2014
Website visits in 2012 - 2014
2012 ~ 6 million
2013 ~ 7.3 million
2014 ~8 million
Website hits in 2014 (as opposed to visits)
nearly 400 million
Number of physical books in collection
Nearly 2 million adult books
760,000 juvenile books
120,000 e-books
= Well over 3 million volumes
Does not include audio materials and DVDs
What union represents city employees?
AFSCME, District Council 47
What locals represent city employees?
AFSCME, DC47 Local 2186
AFSCME, DC47 Local 2187
AFSCME, DC47 Local 810 does
Adult / Juvenile offender probation
Pre-trial services
Who does DC47 Local 2186 represent?
Management for PPA, Philadelphia Housing Authority. Supervisors on the first Judicial District.
Union Local
Group of works who share a common interest and a majority of them have voted to form a union. Bargain for wages, hours, benefits and terms of employement
Union Stewards
Elected representatives of the membership of a worksite.
Direct connection to membership from the union.
Union Executive Board
Elected by the membership of the local to manage finances, grievances, arbitration and to enforce contracts.
Union Delegates
Elected by the membership of a local that come together to make decisions for an organization called a district council.
Union Chapters
Chapters within a local.
Represents locals who work for a specific employer.
What Chapter is Local 2186 FLP employees?
Union District Council
A group of locals that come together to increase their power.
Pronounce AFSCME
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Part of the AFL-CIO 3,500 locals 46 US States 1.3 million members
When did local 2187 get a contract?
March 2014
Had been without a contract since 2009.
President of Local 2187
Jacqueline Marshall
Dues for Local 2187 per pay period as of 2007
As of 2007
$24.80 per pay period
12.1 - 20 hour / week employees – $18.60
12 and fewer hours / week emps – $12.40
These figures exclude the Solidary Fund, $0.75/ per bargaining unit per pay period
Name some of the digital collections
Automobile Reference Map Collection (Pretty great) Charles Dickens (Nothing online though?) Medieval Manuscripts (Hosted at Columbia) History of PHL
Population of Philly and how that speaks to the utilization rate
1.5 million
108,000 / 1.5 million = 7.2% of the city
2015 One Book, One Philadelphia
Orphan Train
Christina Baker Kline
Name Center City & West Philly branches
Independence Branch (CC) Walnut St. West (West Philly) Library for the Blind (CC) Philly Airport Roxborough (North)
In-Person visits
2010: 5.6 million
2011: 6.1 million
2012: 5.9 million
2013: 6.1 million
2014: 5.6 million
FLP Vision
To build an enlightened community devoted to lifelong learning.
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.