Interview Questions Flashcards
Tell me about yourself?
freelance animator for the last 8 years. entirely responsible for sourcing my own work and building my reputation. Reliable, hardworking, loyal and enthusiastic. Looking for something active and social as I’m keen to work with people
Extremely organised, punctual, attention to detail
> In my animation work I have to be a jack of all trades delivering high quality results at every step of the process without assistance.
I think this can come across as preferring to be independent but I’m really well suited for team working.
Why am I well equipped to work in a team?
> I’m thoughtful and considerate
I’m aware of the impact things in my environment have on others so I want to make sure everything is as efficient as possible.
Why should we hire you?
> I’m looking for a role I can immerse myself in, not just a part time job.
After working on medical videos and receiving positive feedback from people using them all over the UK I have a strong desire to put myself in an environment where I can see the positive impact of what I’m doing, especially in a setting where I myself like to enjoy myself.
Future goals
Transition into work that involves more direct involvement with people. I feel its very important for me to spend time with people in my city and my community. If I remain involved with animation I would prefer it to be with people I’ve met and engaged with locally rather than online.
How would friends and co workers describe you?
> Overly honest with a tendency to ramble
I have actually been told by a close friend that their impression was that I wouldn’t do something unless I knew I could do it right, which I think I probably agree with.
Change one thing about yourself?
I wish I was less indifferent to social media, as a platform to advertise myself I’ve really missed an opportunity but I’m just very old school and private in that regard.
Worst part about last job?
With freelancing, its always inconsistency. I crave some stability.
Greatest accomplishment
Oscar nomination
Greatest failure
travelling to Japan, everything that I thought would be like magical and whimsical just turned out to be really isolating and I saw what happened to the people who did it long term.
What do I like about bartending?
> The atmosphere with staff and customers
Serving people who are there to have a nice time, contributing to that.
Alcohol safety training?
Nothing formal, just being mindful about how much people are consuming.
Busy on a slow night?
> Cleaning
checking in with manager to see what needs done.
Describe resolving an issue?
When we were in the Filmhouse we were encouraged to confirm with guests ordering Gin and Tonic whether they wanted regular tonic or slimline and there were a lot of people who took personal offence to this, thinking that we were implying they needed slimline. It gave me an impression of how quickly tempers could escalate even for sober customers and being patient and empathetic was very common practice.
Definition of great customer service?
Great customer service means anticipating the customers’ needs and knowing what they want before they even know they want it. It means putting what they want right in front of them before they have a chance to ask.
Describe your ability to work under pressure?
Remain calm otherwise you might make mistakes that affect team members and others. Just focus on what’s in front of me and communicate clearly when I need assistance.
The Filmhouse bar is where I worked while I was a student, it was a very tame environment for a bar other than occasional events which never brought any trouble with them owing to the fact that it was an arts cinema and the crowd was most often having a quick drink or meal before going on to see a movie or something at the theatre across the road. Helped me build familiarity with the fundamentals.
La bodega was a tapas place on South street that was so out of the way that it was between having super quiet nights and lock ins with regulars, and some extremely busy evenings with a lot of people who were visiting from outside glasgow and had discovered the place on ‘hidden gem’ lists. The service here was a lot more intimate and personal, and the mood was generally a bit more electric, so I had more of an opportunity to experience what working in a proper pub was like. Unfortunately I just don’t think it was pulling in enough and the rent was raised, which was heartbreaking.
How to tell if someones had too much?
> slurred speech
swaying back and forth
speaking in an overly loud voice
swearing loudly
touching people they don’t know
their eyes have trouble focusing on one spot.
How do you handle someone who has had too much to drink?
- I think you need to slow down a bit.
- How about some water.
- I’m sorry but I am really not allowed. It is against the law to over serve alcohol and I can get fined and lose my job.
How to multi-task with lots of orders?
Group drink orders together, clean on the go.
Guest wants a recommendation?
What do you usually drink / favourite spirit
My favourite drink?
I mostly enjoy a beer when I’m out but I do love a white russian. Chakoo in town does a beautiful mint russian that tastes like drinking an after eight, its divine.
If the bar is busy and a guest is taking awhile to decide, do you skip him and move on to the next guest?
Yes, tell them you’ll be right back when they’re ready to keep service moving.
Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your last job?
> The role I’m in just now as a freelancer doesn’t demand a whole lot of hours and I would still do the work because I’ve become indispensable to my boss
instead of actively seeking other animation opportunities I’m looking to get away from a desk and work directly with people.
Hows your wine knowledge?
> Room for improvement. I used to live with a guy who did competitive blindfolded wine tasting for the UK so my bar for comparison might be a bit high.
As it would be with learning new software, I learn with exposure.
If a fight breaks out, should you break it up or call the bouncers?
If there are no bouncers present then yes.
If you have a regular who comes in and tips you really well, is it ok to give him a free drink once in awhile?
What do you like most/least about bartending?
I like being around people and especially people who have chosen to be in the environment they’re there to have a good time. Sometimes of course people can be rude and go overboard but that’s just how it is, same if you’re working in a place or just visiting.
How do you deal with being irritated at customers?
Don’t take it personally, stay calm. Be mindful of whether its developing into a problem or contained just to them. Try treat them as warmly as anyone else because it might just be that no one else has been nice to them today.
Tell me how you handle customers who like to chat with you even though you need to move on to the next customer.
Excuse me a moment.
How would you handle a situation where you saw a co-worker steal?
I would feel bad about it but I would inform you or another manager.
Give an example of a time when you gave great customer service.
Its a small thing but ordering taxis for customers at Bodega. I didn’t really think about it until I was out with my dad at a bar and he requested a taxi like he would down his local and they just stared at him like he had been thawed out of ice.
A customer sends a drink back. How do you fix it?
- Ask whether theres an issue with how it was made.
- Ask if they’d like another or something else.
> Hiya, is there a manager here at the moment?
> Was just looking to introduce myself and drop off a CV.
> Hiya, my name is Scott, I love your place and am hoping I can contribute my service and skills. I’m not sure if you’re hiring at the moment, but I wanted to quickly introduce myself and hand you my CV.
Intro follow up, experience?
> As you’ll see in my profile, my experience is a few years old, but I’m eager to get back into an environment where I can work with people.
Just need some refreshers on the POS and your most popular cocktails and I would be good to go.
Why be a bartender?
Most of all looking for steady work, I like being around people, I like the atmosphere in here and it’s very closeby
3 most important things
Customer service. Organisation. Safety