Intervention Processess Flashcards
A technique that reinforces the idea that the worker is listening to the client and encourages further information to be gathered. This technique includes nodding of the head, facial expressions, or encouragement responses.
This technique will typically elicit a short answer.
Close/open Ended Questions
Technique used to ask a client for clarification to ensure they understand the clients message.
Clarifying and Paraphrasing
This technique is similar to paraphrasing but summarizing includes more information.
This technique uses facial expressions, body language, and postures to show the worker is engaged and listening to the client.
Active listening
During this stage of treatment intervention, the worker focuses on relationship and rapport building with the client. The worker gathers data, assesses the clients history and systems and identifies problems and challenges.
Engagement and Assessment
This stage of the treatment intervention consists of the client and worker collaborating to identify goals to be accomplished.
Goal identification and intervention planning
In this stage of treatment planning, the worker implements selected interventions and tasks.
In this stage of treatment intervention, the worker should begin the termination phase at the onset of services, since the client may abruptly terminate services for various reasons.
Termination and evaluation
During this step of problem- solving process, social workers should assist clients in clearly determining and defining the specific problem.
Assess, define, and clarify the problem
During the Problem-solving process, the worker should lead discussion among participants to determine possible solutions and encourage clients to refrain from limiting options at this point.
Determine Possible Solutions
During this step in the problem solving process, workers should assist clients in examining the benefits and drawbacks of each possible solution and choose an option that best meets the needs of those involved.
Examine options and select/implement a solution
During this step of problem solving, workers should help clients to determine the success of the solution.
Evaluate and adjust
This is an intervention that can be used in multiple settings with an assortment of interpersonal difficulties. This type of training helps individuals learn to express their emotions, thoughts, and desires, even when difficult, well not infringing on the rights of others.
Assertiveness training
This practice is compromised of a practical, evidence-based intervention that lasts for 6 to 12 sessions which equals short term. This practice can help resolve problems related to daily living tasks, such as lack of basic needs, interpersonal/social relationships, role performance, and decision making skills. This method is client driven with the social worker as a guide.
Task centered approach