Interstitial lung disease Flashcards
What is interstitial lung disease?
umberella term to describe conditions that affect the lung parenchyma (lung tissue) causing inflammation and fibrosis
what is fibrosis?
replacement of the normal elastic and functional lung tissue with scar tissue. it is stiff and does not function as effectively
how is interstitial lung disease diagnosed?
high resolution CT scan of thorax= HRCT shows ‘ground glass’ appearance
lung biopsy= histology
how is interstitial lung disease managed?
Remove or treat the underlying cause
Home oxygen where they are hypoxic at rest
Stop smoking
Physiotherapy and pulmonary rehabilitation
Pneumococcal and flu vaccine
Advanced care planning and palliative care where appropriate
Lung transplant is an option but the risks and benefits need careful consideration
types of interstitial lung disease
- idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- drug induced pulmonary fibrosis
- secondary pulmonary fibrosis
- hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- cryptogenic organising pneumonia
- asbestosis
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
this is a condition where you have progressive pulmonary fibrosis but there is no clear cause.
symptoms: insidious onset of shortnesss of breath and dry cough >3 months.
affects adults >50 y/o (life exp 2-5 years)
bibasal fine inspiratory crackles
finger clubbing
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis management
to slow progression:
Pirfenidone is an antifibrotic and anti-inflammatory
Nintedanib is a monoclonal antibody targeting tyrosine kinase
drug induced pulmonary fibrosis
which drugs?
*there are several
secondary pulmonary fibrosis
pulmonary fibrosis occurring secondary to other conditions
RA, SLE, progressive systemic sclerosis, IBD, primary biliary cholangitis
these include: Alpha-1 antitripsin deficiency Rheumatoid arthritis Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Systemic sclerosis
what is hypersensitivity pneumonitis
aka extrinsic allergic alevolitis
type III hypersensitivity reaction to an environmental allergen.
causes the parenchymal inflammation and destruction I people that are sensitiv to that allergen
PCR, blood culture, urinary antigens
bronchoalveolar lavage. collect cells from arrays during bronchoscopy (wash airways with fluid). when tested, shows raised lymphocyte and mast cells
O/E wheeze, crackles, squeeks
mx: remove allergen, O2, steroids
example of specific causes of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Bird-fanciers lung is a reaction to bird droppings
Farmers lung is a reaction to mouldy spores in hay
Mushroom workers’ lung is a reaction to specific mushroom antigens
Malt workers lung is a reaction to mould on barley
farmers sauna/ventilation birds/poultry grain/flour wood vets/animal handlers textile plastics
cryptogenic organising pneumonia
previously known as bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia
this is a focal area of inflammation in the lung tissue. can be idiopathic or triggered by infection, inflammation, meds, radiation or environmental toxins/allergens
symptoms: SOB, cough, fever, lethargy
CXR: focal consolidation
lung biopsy
tx: systemic corticosteroids
mined mineral
lung fibrosis related to inhalation of asbestos. ‘fibrogenic’ (causes the lungs to fibres) and oncogenic (causes cancer)
asbestosis inhalation causes: 1. Lung fibrosis 2. Pleural thickening and pleural plaques (holly leaves) 3. Adenocarcinoma 4. Mesothelioma (low exposure to asbestos toxins) prognosis 12-18 months not very responsive to chemotherapy) adenocarcinoma (high exp) 5. bronchogenic carcinoma
large pleural plaques (holly leaves)
acute asbestosis pleurisy
diffuse plural fibrosis (thickening of pleura on the viscera of lung)
bronchial carcinoma
budgie lungs (not the same as bird fancier lungs)
chlamydia psittaci
atypical pneumonia’s
won’t necessarily have any crackles/ signs
they do not have a standard wall so penicillins do not work
use non penicillins- doxycycline, clarithromycin, quinolones
worsening asthma
occupational smoking mould pet dander (cat= saliva, dog=fur) NSAID use catameniol asthma (worse before periods as there is less progesterone- which is usually a smooth muscle relaxant) (progesterone= pro gestation)