Intersex Flashcards
a.The Anatomy of Male and Female Intersex
b.Biological characteristics, commonalities and differences of Male and female
Gender Of Sexuality
A term is used when someone is born with sex characteristics that don’t fit the usual definition of girl or boy.
Previously called as having a disorder of sex development (DSD)
How common is being intersex?
✓An estimated 1 in 100 Americans is intersex.
Around 2% of people worldwide have intersex traits.
is a genetic disease that causes biological males to be born with an extra copy of the X chromosome in their cells.
• delay speech and language development in male children
XXY, or Klinefelter syndrome
Males with this condition may not have any symptoms or may have a variety of symptoms, including smaller-than-normal testicles that produce less • May result in infertility
• XXY, or Klinefelter syndrome
XXY Symptoms in young males and teens
• mild dyslexia
• issues with paying attention • lowered energy levels
• difficulty socializing
• delayed puberty, which can include:
• a lack of facial or body hair
• a higher-pitched voice
• more fat deposits around the hips and buttocks, creating a rounder lower half of the body
• enlarged breasts (gynecomastia)
• taller stature than the rest of the family (including long arms and legs) • difficulty increasing or producing muscle tone
• smaller testicles
• smaller penis
XXY Symptoms in adults
•major problems with learning and speech
•poor coordination •unique facial features •bone problems
a genetic condition that occurs when a male has an extra copy of the Y chromosome in each of their cells (XYY). Sometimes, this mutation is only present in some cells. Males with XYY syndrome have 47 chromosomes because of the extra Y chromosome.
• XYY syndrome or Jacob’s syndrome
result of a random mix-up, or mutation, during the creation of a male’s genetic code. syndrome
are not inherited
XYY/ Jacob’s syndrome
result of a random mix-up, or mutation, during the creation of a male’s genetic code. syndrome
are not inherited
XYY/ Jacob’s syndrome
Symptoms of XYY Syndrome
• hypotonia (weak muscle tone)
• delayed motor skill development, such as with walking or crawling
• delayed or difficult speech
• an autism diagnosis
• attention difficulties
• delayed motor skill development, such as with writing • delayed or difficult speech
• emotional or behavioral issues
• hand trembling or involuntary muscle movements • hypotonia (weak muscle tone)
• learning disabilities
• taller-than-average height
Presentation title
XYY symptoms
when chromosomes differ by cell (e.g., some cells are XXY and some are XY)
occurs when a person has two or more genetically different sets of cells in his or her body.
an organism or tissue where the cells have distinct genomes and all of the cells originated from the same fertilized zygote
disorders are caused by mosaicism
• Ichthyosis with confetti.
• Klinefelter syndrome.
• Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome.
• Mosaic Down syndrome.
• Pallister-Killian mosaic syndrome.
• Ring chromosome 14 syndrome.
• SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome.
• Triple X syndrome.
• Trisomy 18.
• Turner syndrome.
This is a disorder that causes red, scaly skin all over
Ichthyosis with confetti
. This syndrome can cause low amounts of testosterone. This can lead to problems with sexual development and other issues.
Klinefelter syndrome
• Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. This disorder causes a red birthmark called a port-wine stain. It also causes excess growth of soft tissues and bones, as well as abnormal veins.
Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome
is a condition that causes intellectual disabilities and delays, weak muscles, and flat facial features. It can also cause a heart defect, digestive problems, thyroid problems, and other health issues.
Mosaic Down Syndrome
This is a developmental disorder that causes weak muscles, intellectual disability, thin hair, patches of abnormal skin color, and other birth defects.
the body.
Pallister-Killian mosaic syndrome
This condition causes seizures, intellectual disability, and delayed speech and motor development.
Ring Chromosome 14 syndrome
This is a rare disorder that can cause a child to be born without eyes. It can also cause seizures, brain problems, and delayed growth.
SOX2 Anophthalmia Syndrome
This condition is caused by an extra X chromosome in each of a woman’s cells. It can cause learning disabilities, delayed language skills, and problems with motor skills and muscles.
Triple X syndrome
This condition can cause slow growth in the womb, heart defects, a small head, and other defects. Only a small number of children with this condition live past their first year.
Trisomy 18
This is a condition in women that causes short height, ovarian problems, lack of fertility, and heart defects.
• Turner syndrome.
This condition is caused by a chromosomal difference (mosaic), in which some chromosomes are XY (male), and some are XO – meaning they are missing a second sex chromosome.
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
This results in the child being born with an undescended testicle on one side, and an underdeveloped sex organ on the other side.
Children with this condition may require hormone treatment and need regular monitoring of their growth and development.
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS): People with AIS are genetically male (meaning they have XY chromosomes), but their bodies are resistant to sex hormones for male development.
This causes the development of genitals that are either completely or partially female.
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)
A child with complete AIS is genetically male but looks like a girl. (This condition is usually not discovered until later). Babies with partial AIS may have both male and female-looking genitalia, such as a large clitoris or testicles that have not descended into the scrotum.
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)
Boys born with a very small penis are said to have a ___.
There’s no universally agreed upon criteria of what constitutes this, but in a newborn boy it usually means the penis measures less than 0.75 inches long when gently stretched.
A__ can occur alone or in combination with hormonal or other disorders.
People with___ produce extra male sex hormones called androgens and have trouble producing other hormones.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
Girls (babies with female chromosomes) with ___ may have an enlarged clitoris or genitalia that looks male. ___ can be life-threatening and require lifelong treatment, such as hormone replacement.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
What does intersex look like?
•a clitoris that’s larger than expected
•a penis that’s smaller than expected
•no vaginal opening
•a penis without a urethra opening at the tip (the opening might instead be on the underside)
•labia that are closed or otherwise resemble a scrotum •a scrotum that is empty and resembles labia