Gender and the Role of Social Institutions and Developmeny Flashcards
What term describes the process by which individuals learn to conform to group norms, internalize them, acquire status, and plan corresponding roles?
Agents of Gender Socialization
- Family
- School
- Media
What are some early influences on gender socialization, starting from infancy, such as the practice of dressing girl babies in pink and boy babies in blue?
Answer: Family, through child-rearing practices.
It involves telling children what they are and what is expected of them.
the process of verbal appellation
refers to the process where people direct children’s attention to gender-appropriate objects, thereby channeling their needs into fixed behavior patterns.
involves people handling girls and boys differently, even from infancy.
The process of manipulation
What are examples of social institutions?
mean both the
improved material well-being
(welfare) of people and the
process by which this improved
well-being is
The concept of development also
includes an element of____- that
material benefits from the development
process should be fairly distributed,
especially to benefit those most in need, the disadvantaged and the most vulnerable.
means that
everybody has an equal chance,
especially for equal access, there is no
structural discrimination standing
in the way of any individual
or social group.
Equality of Opportunity
is the ability to
recognize gender issues, and especially
the ability to recognize women’s different
perceptions and interests arising from
their different social location and
different gender roles
Gender sensitivity
is an important element of development, being the process by which people take control and action in order to overcome obstacles
for women would mean ending all gender discrimination.
Equality of opportunity
affect everybody, men or women, rich or poor, young or old, etc. in all spheres of life
Gender issues
emanating from beliefs, attitudes, values, roles and characteristics attributed by society to women and men
cultural biases
True or False
These biases define what women and men should be, how they would act, what they would do, what they are entitled to
is a major advance in
development theory and practice
is about recognizing
that gender biases impede
a gender-responsive development is crucial in
attaining ____
because GAD empowers women to be effective as half of the national producers of goods and
because it aims to provide more to those who have less according to needs
child bearing
beliefs about what women cannot do or should do
Republic Act 7192
“Women in Development and Nation Building”
agencies are tasked to formulate a GAD plan and to implement the same by utilizing at least five percent (5%) of their total budget appropriations
Republic Act 9710
Magna Carta of Women
- check personal gender biases
- look at everyone and deal with them
as human, not as women/men, male/
female, girls/boys
*critique books of young children
*examine assignment of roles at home
and correct gendered patterns
*desegregate data by sex
*attain balance in various positions
(esp. top and decision-making
*stop gender discrimination in
recruitment, hiring, training, promotion
Republic Act 7160
the Local Government Code
Republic Act 7160 or the Local
Government Code
defines local governance as “the process by which communities
address their own needs, problems and priorities through more responsive and accountable local governments.”
directs LGUs to incorporate in their local development plans, programs on GAD and coordinates with the DILG offices for the mobilization of resources for GAD programs and activities.
DILG Memorandum Circular
The use of language which devalues members of one sex, almost invariably women, thus foster gender inequality.
Sexism in Language