Intersections and Turns Flashcards
What do you do if directions given by a peace officer or police officer contradicts what the traffic signs/signals are stating?
Follow the officer’s orders. Directions given by peace/police officers must be follows over traffic signs or signals.
Where do you stop at an intersection with a stop line?
Just before the stop line.
Where do you stop at an intersection with a marked crosswalk (no stop line)?
Before the marked crosswalk.
Where do you stop at an intersection with no stop line or marked crosswalk?
Within 3m/10ft of the intersecting roadway. Stop where you do not interfere with pedestrians who are crossing or are about to cross the roadway.
What is a courtesy corner?
At a three- or four-way stop, vehicles are to use courtesy and caution to determine who goes first. Courtesy means that the vehicle that arrives to an intersection first goes first; if two vehicles arrive at the same time, courtesy allows the vehicle on the right to proceed first.
What does a yield sign mean at an intersection?
You must allow other vehicles that do not face a yield sign the right-of-way to proceed (and pedestrians).
What should you do when approaching a yield sign at an intersection?
Reduce your speed as you near the intersection and be prepared to stop. If there are no pedestrians or traffic that you are required to yield to, you may proceed without a complete stop.
What do you do at uncontrolled intersections?
Yield the right-of-way to a vehicle on your right. Check for traffic from both your left and your right when approaching an uncontrolled intersection.
Who has the right of way when two cars arrive at the same time but neither are on the right of the other and one car is turning?
If one of the cars is turning, then the car going straight will have the right of way as the turning car would be crossing the other’s path.
Who has the right of way when two cars arrive at the same time and one car is turning and one car is right of the other?
Whichever is on the right side.
What must you do when exiting from service roads, alleys, parking lots, and driveways?
Stop before any sidewalk crossing; stop before entering a main street; yield to pedestrians.
When can a driver turn left across the path of an approaching vehicle at an intersection?
Cannot turn left until it is safe.
If traffic is delayed in an intersection, can you enter the intersection?
Only if you can clear it completely. Do NOT ever enter an intersection unless you can completely clear it and the crosswalk on the other side.
What direction does traffic in a traffic circle/roundabout go?
Always counterclockwise.
When entering the intersection of a traffic circle/roundabout, what must you yield to?
The traffic already in the circle.
What is the difference between a traffic circle and a roundabout?
Roundabouts tend to have a smaller centre island and tighter curve to encourage lower speeds; can come in several different shapes and sizes, and have pedestrian crossings located away from the intersection for safety, and improved lines of sight for motorists and pedestrians.
What must you do when entering a one-lane circular intersection?
Yield to drivers already in the circle.
What must you do when exiting a one-land circular intersection?
Activate the right signal when preparing to exit.
When should you activate a right turn signal when in a circular signal lane traffic circle?
When you are preparing to exit, after the exit before your intended exit. Leave it on until you have exited the circle.
What should you look out for as you exit/enter a traffic circle?
Pedestrians and cyclists.
How should you signal when intending to leave the first available exit in a traffic circle?
Approach using your right signal and leave it on until you have exited the circle.
What lane in a traffic circle must you use when entering through the right lane?
Right lane ONLY for both entering and exiting.
What lane in a traffic circle must you use when entering through the left lane?
Left lane ONLY for both entering and exiting.
Who has the right-of-way in intersections while in the traffic circle?
Drivers on the right must yield to drivers on the left.
How should you go through a two-lane traffic circle when intending to leave at the first exit?
1) Approach the circle using the right lane.
2) Use your right signal as you approach. Leave it on until you have exited the circle.
3) As you approach, scan for pedestrians and cyclists at the crosswalks at the entrance and exits of the circle.
4) Yield to traffic in the circle.
5) Exit the circle using the right lane.
How should you go through a two-lane traffic circle when you intend to leave at any other exit (other than the first)?
1) Approach the circle using the left lane.
2) Activate your left signal to communicate that you do not plan to use the first exit.
3) As you approach, scan for pedestrians and cyclists at the crosswalks at the entrance and exits of the circle.
4) Yield to the traffic in the circle.
5) Exit the circle using the left lane.
How do you exit a traffic circle using the left lane?
1) Use your right signal when you pass the exit that is one before the exit you will use.
2) Check for traffic in the right lane that may be continuing around the circle.
3) Look ahead for pedestrians at the crosswalk where you will be exiting.
4) Exit the circle using the left lane.
5) If you cannot stop or exit safely, stay in your lane and travel around the circle/roundabout again.
When should you be in the proper turning lane before the intersection?
At least 15m/50 feet before the intersection.
What is a curb lane?
A curb lane is the lane right next to the curb where cars are typically parked, but is also the lane you should turn onto if it is safe to do so and their is no parked car or obstruction blocking near the intersection.
Why is it ideal to turn into a curb lane/turning lane when turning at an intersection?
By aiming to stay in the curb/turning lane, it is safer as it minimizes the chance of turning wide and occupying two lanes when turning.
Why can left turns be dangerous?
Poor judgement of space and time can lead to collisions, which is more likely too as there may be vehicles approaching from multiple directions and your vehicle is crossing the lanes of oncoming traffic.
Where do you turn onto when turning left from a two-way onto a two-way?
When it is safe and legal to do so, turn from the lane nearest and to the right of the yellow into the lane nearest and to the right of the yellow lane, yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians coming to your left.
Where do you turn onto when turning left from a two-way onto a one-way?
When it is safe and legal to do so, turn from the lane nearest and to the right of the yellow line to the first available lane on the left side of the road, yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians crossing to your left.
Where do you turn onto when turning left from a one-way onto a two-way?
When it is safe and legal to do so, turn from the lane nearest the left side of the road into the nearest lane to the right of the yellow line, yielding to pedestrians to your left.
Where do you turn onto when turning left from a one-way onto a one-way?
When it is safe and legal to do so, turn from the lane nearest the left side of the road to the lane nearest the left side of the road, yielding to pedestrians crossing to your left.
What lane do you turn onto when in a dual lane turn indicated area?
Onto the corresponding lane as the one you are current in.
When can you do a dual right turn on a red light?
When there is no sign prohibiting you, after coming to a complete stop at the proper stopping point, and the turn can be done safely.
What is a two-way left turn lane?
A shared centre lane that allows vehicles from each direction to turn left using the same lane regardless of the direction they are coming from. Only enter the turning lane close to where you will be turning, and watch for oncoming vehicles in your lane.
How is a U-turn done?
A U-turn is done by turning your vehicle around at an intersection to go to the opposite direction by using oncoming lanes.
Where are U-turns not permitted (regardless of location)?
1) At an intersection controlled by a traffic control signal unless permitted by a traffic control device.
2) Where a sign prohibits U-turns.
Where are U-turns not permitted in Urban Areas?
1) On a roadway between intersections.
2) At an alley intersection.
3) At an intersection where one or more of the roadways is an access to a public or private parking lot which the public can access.
Where are U-turns not permitted outside of urban areas/in Rural areas?
1) On a curve.
2) On an approach to or near the crest of a hill where the driver of another vehicle cannot see you that is within 150 m approaching from either direction.