interrogative expressions Flashcards
Who ..?
Who is that?
Who is in charge (главный) here?
What ..?
What do you do?
What is her phone number?
Что? Какой?
может относиться к качеству предмета или использоваться в вопросах о предметах и лицах из большого, неограниченного количества.
Which ..?
Which one do you prefer?
Which gloves do you like?
Which of these two books will you buy?
Который? Какой? Какие?
употребляется в случае, когда существует выбор из определенного количества лиц, предметов, часто из двух. Использование which ограничено. После which часто следуют фразы с of.
Whose ..?
Whose is this book?
Whose car did you drive in?
Whom ..?
Whom did you meet?
Whom will you vote for?
Кому? Кого?
So what?
Yes, I don’t know how to cook and so what?
Ну и что?
Where … from ..?
Where are your neighbors from?
Who … with ..?
Who did you go to the restaurant with?
С кем?
Why don’t ..?
Why don’t we help our mother?
Почему бы не..?
How long ..?
How long did you stay there?
Как долго?
How many ..?
How many students are there in this class?
How much ..?
How much time do we have?
How often ..?
How often do you go to the gym?
Как часто?
How old ..?
How old are you?
Сколько лет?
How tall ..?
How tall is your brother? He can definitely be good at basketball.
Какого роста?