Interpreting Visual Images Flashcards
Types of Visual methods
Researcher recording
of data
(including patterns of
visual aspects of
social life) -
Photo elicitation
(any kind of visual material) - Participant recording
(interviewee produces
photos, drawings, etc)
‘Thick description’
Contain information that can be
identified and measured in
many different ways
Repositories of meaning
“that are as puzzling as
they are fanscinating”
(Grady, 1996:10)
How to do?
Images require repeated interrogation
because their meanings
are indeterminate
:Captured from those pictured?
:Imposed by the photographer?
Drawn from the viewer?
Photograph as record
For decades,
photography has been
used by governments,
scientists and media
to record social events,
patterns & changes
(Example of government
recording of social change:
Lange, The Migrant Mother, 1936)
True or not?
Cannot give historical context & knowledge
It expsoses a story,
but do not and
cannot explain it
It is a way of telling story,
a single interpretation of reality
Individual reader who must decide
whether or not it is true
Reading cartoons
Evidence of public discourse
about the issue in its
wide social and cultural contexts
Portray social matters
tell people about they way
that issues are understood
and valued publicly
An idea or thought
(an image, quote, symbol, joke)
that spreads from
person to person
in school, work, the media
or society at large -
becoming popular and easily recognizable
How sociology use images?
Help to research, understand and
communicate knowledge of
the social world
Need to establish the context -
rules, uses, conventions -
that make images sociologicla
(Backer, 1995)