Interpretation of Genomic Variants** Flashcards
Why is interpretation of genomic variants so important?
It is the responsibility of the Clinical Scientist to provide a clear and unambiguous description of any genomic variants, and whenever possible, an explanation of the clinical implications of the results.
Why is interpretation of genomic variants such a challenge and what resources are aviable to assist?
- Whilst research laboratories have large resources at their disposal to investigate individual variants with advanced computational and functional studies, routine diagnostic service laboratories do not.
- The interpretation of never-before-seen variants represents a considerable challenge for the diagnostic community.
- Various professional bodies have published guidelines to assist with variant interpretation.
What are the key guidelines for interpretation of SNVs and CNVs?
- Constitutional Postnatal Chromosomal Microarray Best Practice Guidelines (2011)
- ACMG Standards and Guidelines for constitutional cytogenomic microarray analysis (2013)
- Practice Guidelines for the Evaluation of Pathogenicity and the Reporting of Sequence Variants in Clinical Molecular Genetics (2015)
- ACMG Standards and guidelines for the interpretation of sequence variants (2015)
What is the definition of ‘CNV’?
- Redon et al. (2006) defined a CNV as a DNA segment of one kilobase (kb) or larger that is present at a variable copy number in comparison with a reference genome.
- Copy number chages <1kb are called ‘deletions’ or ‘insertions’
Why has CNV interpretation become more important in recent years?
- The widespread use of arrays as a frontline test and increasingly NGS technology means these smaller CNVs now being detected and uploaded to CNV databases.
- Consitency in patient care/management relies on standardised a approach to interpretation of CNVs
What is meant by ‘CNV classification’?
Distinguishing benign CNVs from disease causing pathogenic CNVs is key to CNV interpretation.
CNVs can be broadly categorised into three classes:
- Benign copy number changes, likely to be of no clinical significance
- Copy number variants of uncertain clinical significance (VOUS)
- Likely pathogenic- Copy number changes involving regions of known clinical significance, or large changes
Broadly, what key information is used in the process of CNV classification?
Classification of CNVs is based upon assessment of the region involved, by reference to various internal and external databases and literature
How common are benign CNVs in normal population?
- Benign CNVs are found at high frequency in human populations
- Zarrei 2015 - Copy number variation map
- 4.8–9.5% of the genome is copy number variable
- ~100 genes that can be completely deleted without producing apparent phenotypic consequences
- Uneven distribution of benign CNVs between chromosomes
- All individuals are typically hemizygous for approximately 30 to 50 deletions larger than 5 kb
- Frequency of CNVs may be greater than 100 per individual (Coughlin 2012)
What key database is used to assess CNVs in the ‘normal’ population?
- The Database of Genomic Variants: a curated collection of structural variation in the human genome
- Current version of DGV consists of 55 published studies, comprising >2.5 million entries identified in >22,300 genomes;
What key criteria are required in order to interpret a CNV as benign? (Miller 2010)
- Identical CNV inherited from a healthy parent
- Similar to a CNV in a healthy relative
- CNV is completely contained within genomic imbalance defined by a high-resolution technology in a CNV database of healthy individuals
- CNV is gene poor
- CNV is a duplication (no known dosage sensitive genes)
- CNV is devoid of known regulatory elements
What caveats must the analyst be aware of when interpreting apparently common (benign) CNVs?
- heterozygous deletion of a CNV can be phenotypically benign, while a homozygous deletion can have serious phenotypic consequences.
- heterozygous deletion may also uncover a pathogenic recessive mutation or an imprinted region that is present on the homologous chromosome
What key criteria are required in order to interpret a CNV as pathogenic? (Miller 2010)
- Expanded or altered CNV inherited from a parent
- Identical CNV inherited from an affected parent
- Similar to a CNV in an affected relative
- CNV is de novo
- CNV overlaps a genomic imbalance designed by a high-resolution technology in a CNV database for affected patients
- CNV overlaps genomic coordinates for a known genomic imbalance syndrome
- CNV contains morbid OMIM genes
- CNV is gene rich
- CNV is a deletion
- CNV is a homozygous deletion
- CNV is an amplification (greater than 1 copy gain)
What key database is used to assess CNVs in disease populations?
- Decipher: Provides size of break points of previously recorded imbalances along with phenotype information and whether the CNV was de novo
- ECARUCA: Contains cytogenetic and clinical data of rare chromosomal aberration
- ClinVar: Sequence variants and structural variants with clinical information and clinical significance assigned by the submitter
- Internal database: importance source of previously seen CNVs and can be used to eliminate platform artefacts
When is a CNV classified as VUS?
When there is insufficient evidence to classify as clearly pathogenic or benign.
Approx 25-30% of prenatal arrays will identify CNVs which will require follow up studies.
Are CNVs interpreted differently in prenatal testing setting?
The same database tools should be utilised for the interpretation of CNVs however,
The approach taken is to only report de novo CNVs which correspond to a “recognised fully penetrant microdeletion/duplication syndrome or corresponds to a significant chromosomal imbalance”.
What is a “Unclassified Variant” (UV)?
A UV is an allele, or variant form of a gene, which has been identified through genetic testing, but whose significance to the function or health of an organism is not known.
Also called variant of uncertain significance (VUS), however this specifically referrs to a UV which has been through the interpretation process and can not be definitively classified as pathogenic or benign.
How are UV’s commonly identified and why are they becoming more common?
- UVs are often identified when a whole gene is screened by sequencing as by definition if the mutation is interrogated with a targetted assay then it is unlikely to be a UV.
- Increased numbers of UVs have been identified as next generation sequencing has become the method of choice for many genetic tests and more genes analysed in a more hypothesis-free driven approach.
- The same is true with VOUSs identified by genome-wide CMAs with increasing probe density.
- Moving towards an era of WGS a standardised framework for assessing genomic variants is essential.
How do labs typically approach the assessment of a UV?
- Most laboratories have a standard process that is performed when a UV is identified
- Information is collated from many sources into one document and a conclusion is drawn.
- Many laboratories use the software package, Alamut, to accelerate the gathering of information however this is not mandatory.
- It is becoming increasingly important to have clinical input into the UV assessment process via MDT meetings
What information sources are interrogated by most laboratories when assessing a UV?
- Literature search
- Mutation databases (LSDBs)
- Population databases (unaffected individuals)
- Co-occurrence with known deleterious mutation
- Co-segregation with the disease in the family
- Inheritance (?De novo variant)
- In silico predictions
- Mutation spectrum
- RNA studies
- Somatic Loss of heterozygosity (LOH)
- Functional studies
- Enzyme analysis
How is the gathered information assimilated into a variant classification?
- Best practice guidlines provide a model for classifying variants into groups from 1 (benign) of 5 (pathogenic).
- Historically (ACGS 2015) these have been less prescriptive leaving the final classification down to ‘proessional judgement’.
- More recently the IARC (plon 2008) group ascribed a probability of pathogenicity to required for classification into each group.
- In 2015 the ACMG provided a highly prescriptive set of criteria which must be met in order to classify a variant into each of the 5 groups.
What considerations must be taken into account when assessing UVs with regard to literature search?
- It is important to perform a full literature search to see if the UV has been reported before
- Important to ascertain what the author’s interpretation of it is and what studies have been done to come to that conclusion.
- Literature searches should be performed using both nucleotide and protein nomenclature, in addition to using non-HGVS nomenclature (alamut).
- A Google search can also be useful to identify abstracts given at talks or specific-laboratory data.
What considerations must be taken into account when assessing UVs with regard to mutation databases?
- Caution is key!
- The quality of databases varies – most informative ones are curated and have relevant comments related to the clinical interpretation of the variant.
List some key mutation databases used for assessing UVs (specifically SNVs/Indels).
- The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD®) - links to published cases of affected individuals in the literature also includes functional polymorphisms
- Locus-specific databases (LSDBs) - There are many LSDBs for many different diseases. Leiden Open Variant Database (LOVD) is a web-portal for accessing many of these.
- DECIPHER - Interactive database that includes data from >20,000 cases (250 centres) and includes both CNV and SNV data. Includes trio data from the deciphering developmental disorders project (DDD)
List some key population databases used for assessing UVs (specifically SNVs/Indels).
- gnomAD database
- 123,136 exomes and 15,496 genomes from unrelated individuals of many different ancestries.
- Contains all ExAC data.
- Individuals with severe paediatric disease have been excluded from the data set so can be used as a useful reference set of allele frequencies for disease studies.
- Adult onset disease NOT excluded so must keep that in mind when using data
- 1000 genomes project - data is rolled into gnomAD
- NHLBI GO ESP Exome Variant Server (EVS)
- 6503 samples from EU and African American ancestry