Fragment Sizing Strategies Flashcards
What considerations should be made before undertaking a fragment sizing experiment?
If native DNA is to beused as the imput material then fragmentation is required as the DNA will be either too large to pass through the gel matrix or supercoiled, and pass through at a rate that is disproportional to its size.
Alternatively, PCR products do not rely on this preparation howeevr allele drop out and preferential amplification may hinder the estimation of fragment sizes.
Similarly DNA fragmentation of native DNA needs to run to completion, otherwise partial fragments will hinder size estimation.
Name 6 different methods used to size separation DNA based on eletrophoresis.
- Agarose gel electrophoresis:
- Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE)
- Pulse field gel electrophoresis
- Capillary electrophoresis
- Nanowire structures
- Bioanalyzer Alilent)
Describe Agarose gel electrophoresis
- DNA is mixed with a loading dye and loaded into wells.
- The DNA is negatively charged due to the phosphate backbone and will run to the positive electrode.
- The speed of migration is dependent on the current and percentage gel. Larger fragments will migrate more slowly.
- The agarose percentage can be altered to allow varying degrees of resolution.
- A fluorescent substrate can be added to the agarose prior to gel casting or after the gel has been ran by soaking the gel in a buffer containing the substrate.
- It is necessary to run an appropriate size marker (e.g 1kb ladder) alongside the samples in order to estimate the size of the fragments.
- Agarose gel electrophoresis can resolve fragments ~50bp to 30kb in length.
Describe Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE)
- More sensitive than agarose gels and can resolve fragments <50bp in length
- DNA molecules can be separated that differ as little as 0.2% (e.g. 1bp in 500bp). Formally used for the evaluation of SMA and heteroduplex analysis.
- Staining methods include silver staining.
- A molecular marker and controls should be used to provide a size comparison.
Describe Pulse field gel electrophoresis
- Used for the resolution of large DNA fragments (~20kb to several Mb).
- The relative orientation of the gel and the electric field is altered. The migration of DNA molecules is shortened, as they re-orientate themselves towards the positive electrode.
- The larger fragments take longer to migrate, thus the fragments form tighter clusters of DNA fragments that can be visualised as separate bands.
Describe Capillary electrophoresis
- Used in combination with fluorescent tags, this process allows the sizing of DNA fragments to within 1bp of each other.
- The DNA fragments are denatured and placed on a machine where the single stranded DNA migrates through the charged capillary containing polyacrylamide gel.
- The rate of migration is dependent on the size of the fragment and requires an internal size standard to be run for each sample.
- Amplified fragments can be mixed, providing they are of different size and further multiplexing can be undertaken through the application of different fluorophores.
- Applications for this include MLPA, genotyping such as QF-PCR for the analysis of aneuploidies and microsatellite analysis of tumour samples (HNPCC / Lynch syndrome) and sanger sequencing.
Describe Nanowire structures
- 3D nanowire structures embedded in microchannels can be used for ultra fast separation of small biomolecules such as DNA (50-1000bp) or RNA (100-1000bases).
- The DNA or RNA mixture is stained with a dye. The electrophoretic mobility difference of the biomolecules is assessed as a function of molecular size in the 3D nanowire structure.
Describe Bioanalyzer analysis
- The Agilent Bioanalyzer is a nanofluidics device that preforms size fractionation and quantification of small samples of DNA, RNA, or protein on a single platform, providing high quality digital data.
- Uses both electrophoresis and flow cytometry and can use small quantities of sample (1-4µL).
- Up to 12 samples can be run on a chip. Each DNA chip contains an interconnected set of microchannels that is used for separation of nucleic acid fragments based on their size as they are driven through it electrophoretically.
- Typically used to assess the quality and fragmentation of DNA prior to NGS library prep and to check the quality and quantity of NGS library preps.
Describe Bioanalyzer analysis as used for RNA degredation.
Bioanalyser can be used to assess RNA degradation by calculating the RIN (RNA integrity number) of RNA samples. As RNA degrades, there is a decrease in the ratio of ribosomal bands18S and 28S and an increase in the base line signal between the two peaks.
Name 3 different methods used to size separation DNA based on PCR.
- Long range PCR
- Barnes. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 2216–2220
- Fluorescent PCR
- Triplet-primed PCR
- Warner et al., 1996 J Med Genet. 33(12):1022-1026
Describe long-range PCR
- Normal PCR can be modified to amplify larger fragments (usually used to describe amplification of fragments > 5 kb)
- Additives to overcome problems with high GC content: betaine equalises AT and GC contributions to strand pairing, DMSO destabilises secondary structure and weakens base pairing, deaza-dGTP is base analogue to dGTP and also reduces secondary structure
- Often have mix of polymerases
- Taq is a highly processive polymerase but lacks 3’ to 5’ exonuclease so introduces errors (~1 error per 1 kb)
- Pfu or Pwo are proofreading enzymes that can correct errors introduced by Taq
Give examples of long-range PCR used in diagnostic setting
- Large common IKBKG deletion in Incontinentia Pigmenti
- Haemophilia A intron 22 inversion and involves the amplification of fragments of 10, 11 and 12 kb
- Provide templates for targeted NGS - especially where there is a pseudogene e.g. Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Describe Fluorescent PCR
- PCR with one primer with a fluorescent tag
- Products are analysed by capillary electrophoresis
- able to resolve products 1 bp apart
- limited by size of fragment able to be amplified by PCR (~5 kb - depends on template, conditions, etc - see long PCR strategies)
- Preferential amplification of smaller fragments means that large alleles may not be detected when present with smaller ones.
What is Triplet-primed PCR used for?
Used to detect repeat expansions which are too big to amplify by conventional PCR
Describe Triplet-primed PCR
- A specific flanking fluorescently labelled primer (P1) used in combination with a pair of primers (P3, P4) amplifying from multiple priming sites within the repeat.
- The 3’ end of the reverse primer (P4) is complementary to the repeat tract and binds at multiple sites resulting in a mixture of products.
- The 5’ of this P4 primer complementary to the P3 primer.
- A 10:1 molar ratio of P3 to P4 ensures that the P4 primer is exhausted in the early amplification cycles.
- This reduces the priming of P4 to PCR products generated in these initial cycles, thus minimizing the shortening of the average PCR product size.
- Primer P3 amplifies from the end of products of previous amplification rounds