Interpretation For Parables Flashcards
Definition of parable
In the broadest sense a parable is a form at speech that is used to illustrate and persuade by help of a picture. Through metaphors, similes and parabolic story.
An image and reality are placed side by side without a comparative adverb (like, as). The image (the known element) highlights the reality (unknown element).
Look for “are”
“You ARE the salt of the earth “
A comparison in which reality and image are placed side by side by means o a comparative adverbI “like or as”.
” 1 am sending you out like sheep among wolves; be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves”
Parabolic story
A comparison in which a story, event or situation is used so that the known may elucidate the unknown.
The Kingdom A Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.
How many lessons do parables teach
Where to find these lesson
- May be shared by a specific context or editorial introduction
- application is in the text itself
-Jesus interprets himself.
The purpose of the parable
Explain the point of the parable.