Internet Basics Flashcards
What preceeded the internet?
The internetworking protocol
What is an ISP?
An internet service provider
Most people do not appreciate that the internet is really ___
a design philosophy and an architecture expressed in a series of protocols.
-vint cerf
A protocol is a ____
well-known set of rules and standards used to communicate between machines.
How the internet actually works is less important than the fact that this design philosophy has allowed ____
the internet to grow to accept and absorb new communication technologies.
All a technology needs to do to adapt to the internet is to ____
know which protocols to use.
Do all the different devices on the internet have unique addresses?
What does IP stand for?
Internet Protocol
What is a computer’s address?
It’s IP Address.
How many bits does IPv4 use for addresses?
32 bits
How many bits will the IPv6 use?
128 bits
The first set of numbers in an IP address represent ____
the country or regional address of the device.
In what year was IPv4 designed?
What is DNS?
Domain Name System
It associates names with IP addresses
DNS servers are connected in a ____
distributed hierarchy
Each packet of data sent through the internet is labeled with it’s ____
origin IP address and its destination IP address.
Special servers called _______ act like traffic managers to keep packets moving smoothly.
The network is _______ which means it can continue to function even when bad things happen to parts of it, which allows the internet to stay reliable.
fault tolerant
Transmission Control Protocol
What is TCP
Transmission Control Protocol manages the sending and receiving of all your data as packets. Think of it like a guaranteed mail service. If all the packets arrive, TCP approves the deliver, if some are missing, TCP requests the missing ones to be resent.
TCP and router systems are _____, they can work with 8 packets or 8 billion packets.
The internet can scale without ____
interrupting service.
uniform resource locator, another word for web address
When you hit enter after typing in an address, your computer talks to another computer called a ______
Usually the server you are communicating with is ______
thousands of miles away.
Browsers and servers communicate using ____
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTP is mainly made up of ___
get requests (Get document-name)
A get request tells the server you want all of the ______ that makes up that particular page.
html code
What is HyperText Markup Language?
HTML is the language you use to tell a web browser how to make a page look.
The text of a web page is included in the HTML, but other parts, like images and videos ____
are separate files with their own urls that need to be reqeusted. The browser sends a separate HTTP request for each of these and they are then displayed as they arrive.
A _____ is when you enter information into a browser and send it to the server.
Post Request
When the server responds to a post request, what does it send back along with the requested information?
A cookie to remember who the computer is
Your browser sends a cookie along with requests if it wants the server to
remember who you are.
secure sockets layer
transport Layer Security
When a website asks your browser to engage in a secure connection, it first provides a _____
digital certificate
HTTP and DNS manage the _______ of web files.
sending and receiving.
TCP/IP and router networks _____ along the ‘cheapest routes.’
break down and transport the packets
Encryption is ____
the scrambling of a message to hide the original information.
What was Caeser’s cypher?
One of the first methods of encryption, this cypher used an agreed upon key which showed how far away in the alphabet the actual letter intended was. So e with a key of 3 would be e-f-g-h, H.
How can you make Caeser’s cypher more secure?
By using more than one digit in the key. So a 23 key would be like saying Hello is equal to H-i-j, J, E-F-G, G, L-M, M, L-m-n, N, o-p, P
jgmnp = hello
Too hard to crack means that there are too many ____
possibilities to compute in a reasonable amount of time.
How long are the encryption keys we use now?
256 bits
Using longer encryption keys does not make securing much harder, ________.
but it does make cracking exponentially harder
When the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt a message, it’s called _____
symmetric encryption
Computers use asymmetric encryption. This is comprised of a public and a private key. The message is encrypted with the public key,
and decrypted only by a computer that has access to the private key.
Public key cryptography is the foundation of all secure messaging on the open internet including the security protocols ____
Hackers exploit _____
unintentional decisions made by people using software.
A virus is a program that ____
gets installed unintentionally and causes harm and spreads itself to other computers.
A lot of viruses are disguised as ____
security updates
A digital army known as a _____ can take down websites using Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS).
bot net
A ______ is a trustworthy email that collects sensitive information which hackers can then use.
phishing scam
90% of the time, a system is hacked because of ____, not because of a flaw in the system.
a human error
Who are two people who invented the internet?
Bob Kahn
Vint Cerf